The SuiteCommerce Extensibility API enables you to build extensions for SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) web stores.

SuiteCommerce / SuiteCommerce Advanced

SuiteCommerce (and SuiteCommerce Advanced) enables you to set up, configure, and customize an ecommerce website that is tightly integrated with your NetSuite account. With the SuiteCommerce extensibility API, you can develop custom features for your web store.

If you are developing extensions for SuiteCommerce, choose the latest version of the API. If you are developing for SuiteCommerce Advanced, choose the version that corresponds to your SCA installation.


Includes updates to the following components: Cart, Environment, UserProfile, and PDP. New methods in the components enable you to trigger add to cart behavior (triggerAddToCartConfirmation()), get customer segments (getCustomerSegments()), get price information (getPrice()), and more.


Introduces the Search component, as well as updates to existing components, including the UserProfile, Environment, and Cart components.

The 2020.2 release added three new components to the SuiteCommerce extensibility API (SCView, SCFormView, and SCCollectionView), providing new ways to define views in your extension. A number of Backbone modules were deprecated in this release: Backbone.Model, Backbone.Collection, and Backbone.View.

SCModel and SCCollection were introduced to work with models and collections in a SuiteCommerce extension (instead of the native Backbone modules). A new method modifyViewJsonLd() was also added to the Visual component to modify JSON-LD in a view.

Note: The backend extensibility API was deprecated in the 2020.1 release.

Includes two new methods to show and hide messages (showMessage() and closeMessage()) in the notification area of a Commerce web store page.

Four new components were added to the extensibility API. UserProfile enables you to obtain user profile information. MyAccountMenu lets you add new menu items to the My Account page. LoginRegister enables you to listen for login/register events, as well as capture additional field data from the login or registration forms.

SuiteCommerce In-Store

SuiteCommerce In-Store is a web-based point-of-sale application, designed for tablets, and which complements your SuiteCommerce implementation. The extensibility API for SuiteCommerce In-Store was released with SuiteCommerce version 2018.1. It primarily enables you to show and hide modal popups with custom actions, as well as work with items in the cart.


Includes two components to extend SCIS. The Cart component enables you to work with the cart, for example, by applying promotions or discounts, adding items, and getting cart information. The SCISLayout component enables you to show and hide modal popups in the application.

* The SCIS API was made available with release 2018.1. Because the SCIS API has remained stable since it was released, only the latest version number is listed here.

Additional Documentation

Additional developer documentation is available in the NetSuite Help Center (login required), providing an overview of the extensibility API. It includes a series of short tutorials that describe how to instantiate components, create views, work with asynchronous methods, and more.