new UserProfile()


The UserProfile component enables you to retrieve information about the current web store visitor. The information available depends on whether the visitor is currently logged in, is a registered user but is not logged in, or is an unregistered user.

Create an instance of this component by calling container.getComponent("UserProfile").


SuiteCommerce 2019.1


componentName :String


A unique name that identifies the component. Use the component name when getting a component, for example, application.getComponent(componentName).


application :ComponentContainer


The name which identify this kind of component. This name is used both for registering a new component and
getting a component implementation with ComponentContainer



getCookieOptions() → {Deferred}


Gets the cookie preferences of a customer from the customer record in NetSuite. Cookie preferences are a list of key/value pairs that correspond to the cookie names and a boolean value (true or false), as well as the last date the customer updated the preferences.

Note: The SuiteCommerce Analytics Data feature must be enabled in the NetSuite account to use this method. See the NetSuite Help Center (login required) for more information.

This method only affects the cookie preferences of website visitors who are logged in. If the visitor is not logged in, it returns null.

In the following example, getCookieOptions is used to get the value of the cookie preference with the name 'ADVERTISING'.

         var userProfile = container.getComponent('UserProfile');
			userProfile.getCookieOptions().then(function(cookieOptions) {
			 if (cookieOptions.ADVERTISING === true) {
			     // ...
			// Example of the object returned
			 PERFORMANCE: true,
			 ANALYTICS: true,
			 ADVERTISING: false,
			 consentLastUpdate: 1506878040000

If the promise is resolved, it indicates the operation was successful, and returns an object that contains the cookie preferences set with setCookieOptions(). If the customer is not logged in, this method returns null. If the promise is rejected, it returns an error.


SuiteCommerce 2021.2

getCreditCards() → {Array.<CreditCardInfo>}


Gets read-only credit card information associated with the customer who is currently logged in. You can only use this method on a secure domain; if you use it on a non-secure domain, it returns an error.

In the following example, getCreditCards() is used to obtain all credit cards. We then check if any of the credit cards have expired based on the expirationDate property of each card in the returned array.

         // Basic validation of credit card expiry date. Returns True if credit card has expired.
			function creditCardExpired(ccDate) {
			 var now = new Date();
			 var currentMonth = now.getMonth() + 1;
			 var currentYear = now.getFullYear();
			 var regExpCard = /^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{4})/;
			 var regExpCardMatched = ccDate.match(regExpCard);
			 var ccCardMonth = regExpCardMatched[1];
			 var ccCardYear = regExpCardMatched[3];
			 if (ccCardYear < currentYear) {
			     return true;
			 else if (ccCardMonth <= currentMonth) {
			     return true;
			 else {
			     return false;
			var userProfile = container.getComponent('UserProfile');
			userprofile.getCreditCards().then(function(creditCards) {
			 for (i = 0; i <= creditCards.length; i++) {
			     if (creditCardExpired(creditCards[i].expirationDate)) {
			         alert("Credit card " + creditCards[i].number + " has expired.");
			}).fail(function(error) {

Returns a Deferred object. If the promise is resolved, it returns an array of CreditCardInfo objects. If the user is not logged in, it returns an empty array. If the promise is rejected, it returns an error.


SuiteCommerce 2021.1

getCustomerSegments() → {Deferred.<Array.<CustomerSegment>>}


Gets the customer segments to which a website visitor belongs. Visitors usually belong to at least two customer segments and may belong to additional customer segments depending on the configuration of the NetSuite account. A customer segment is a group of customers to which you can assign a personalized catalogue view (a specific set of items in NetSuite).

Note: The Personalized Catalogue Views (PCV) feature must be enabled in the NetSuite account to use this method. See the Personalized Catalogue Views topic in the NetSuite Help Center for more information about PCV.

When you enable the feature and use this method in an extension, you can access a number of default customer segments. The default customer segments are accessible with the DEFAULT_SEGMENTS constant. See the Defining Customer Segments topic in the NetSuite Help Center for more information.

         var userProfile = container.getComponent('UserProfile');
			// -1

Use the getCustomerSegments() method when you want to do something based on the customer segments to which a website visitor belongs. For example, you might set up a customer segment for customers who reside in a particular jurisdiction. In an extension, you could then show products that can only be sold in that jurisdiction.

In the following example, getCustomerSegments() is used to check if the visitor is in a customer segment with the id '123'.

         var userProfile = container.getComponent('UserProfile');
			userProfile.getCustomerSegments().then(function(customerSegments) {
			 for (i = 0; i < customerSegments.length; i++) {
			     if (customerSegments[i].id == '123') {
			         // ...

Returns a Deferred object. If the promise is resolved, it returns an array of CustomerSegment objects.


SuiteCommerce 2021.2

getUserProfile() → {UserProfileInfo}


Gets read-only information about the current web store visitor. If the visitor is logged in as a user, you can get details such as the user's first name and last name, the user's addresses, credit limit, current balance, and more. Refer to the UserProfileInfo object for a list of all properties.

If a web store visitor is not logged in, this method returns a smaller set of properties. Note that visitors may be recognised even if they are not logged in. You can check for this with the isrecognized property of the UserProfileInfo object.

This method returns a predefined set of fields from the customer record in NetSuite, as specified in the UserProfileInfo object definition. It may also return custom fields from the customer record. Custom fields are returned only if the Web Site box is checked on the Applies To tab on the custom field record. See Creating a Custom Field in the NetSuite Help Center for more information about how to create custom fields.

var userprofilecomponent = container.getComponent("UserProfile");
			userprofilecomponent.getUserProfile().then(function(profile) {
			    firstname = profile.firstname;
			    lastname = profile.lastname;
			    fullname = firstname + " " + lastname;
			    console.log("User: Full Name: " + fullname);

Returns a Deferred object. If the promise is resolved, it returns a UserProfileInfo object with a set of predefined properties. Otherwise, the promise is rejected.


SuiteCommerce 2019.1

setCookieOptions( cookieOptions ) → {Deferred}


Lets you set a customer's cookie preferences on the customer record. Cookie preferences relate to the customer's consent as regards data collection about the customer's behavior on the website after the customer has logged in.

Note: The SuiteCommerce Analytics Data feature must be enabled in the NetSuite account to use this method. See the NetSuite Help Center (login required) for more information.

To set cookie preferences, you pass in an object that contains a set of key/value pairs. The key is the cookie preference name, which must be an alphanumeric string. The value must be either true or false. True generally means the customer agrees to the use of a certain type of cookie, whereas false means the customer does not agree. You can use any valid text string for the cookie preference name.

If you use the text string 'ANALYTICS' as the cookie preference name, however, and its value is true, it indicates that the customer's user behavior data will be processed in NetSuite.

         var userProfile = SC.Application.getComponent('UserProfile');
			var cookieoption = {
			 ANALYTICS: true,
			 PERFORMANCE: true, 
			 ADVERTISING: false
			userProfile.setCookieOptions(cookieoption).then(function(response) { 
			 console.log('setCookieOptions was successful.');
			}).catch(function(error) {
			 console.log('setCookieOptions failed.');

The cookie preferences you set with this method are stored on the customer record for the logged in user. You cannot view the cookie preferences directly on the customer record, but you can access the stored preferences with SuiteScript - see the NetSuite Help Center for more information.

Name Type Description
cookieOptions CookieOptions

The customer's cookie preferences that will be stored on the customer record. You should not include the consentLastUpdate key in the cookieOptions object when setting the cookie options.


If the promise is resolved, it indicates the operation was successful. If the promise is rejected, it returns an error. An error message is returned if the website visitor is not logged in on a secure domain, or if the cookieOptions parameter does not adhere to the 'NAME.boolean' pattern.


SuiteCommerce 2021.2

cancelableOn( event_name, handler ) → {void}


Attaches an event handler to an event.

Name Type Description
event_name String

The name of the event to which the event handler will be attached.

handler function

The event handler method that will be invoked when event_name is triggered. This function can receive optionally one parameter representing the action parameter. Besides optionally can return a Deferred to details the execution of the trigger's callback. If the returned Deferred is rejected the trigger's callback wont be called


cancelableOff( event_name, handler ) → {void}


Detaches an event handler from an event.

Name Type Description
event_name String

The name of the event from which to detach the event handler. This argument is required.

handler function

The event handler that will be removed from the list of handlers attached to the event. This argument is required.


extend( componentDefinition ) → {BaseComponent}


Extends the current component and creates a child component.

Name Type Description
componentDefinition Object

An object with the appropriate properties and methods to create the component.


cancelableDisable( event_name ) → {void}


Disables all the event handlers attached to an event.

Name Type Description
event_name String

The name of the event.


on( event_name, handler ) → {void}


Attaches an event handler to an event name. Alias for CancelableEvents#cancelableOn.

Name Type Description
event_name String

The name of the event to attach to

handler function

cancelableEnable( event_name ) → {Void}


Re-enables all the event handlers attached to an event.

Name Type Description
event_name String

The name of the event.


off( event_name, handler ) → {void}


Detaches an event handler from an event name. Alias for CancelableEvents#cancelableOff.

Name Type Description
event_name String

The name of the event from which to detach the event handler.

handler function

cancelableTrigger( event_name, ...args ) → {Deferred}


Triggers an event with a set of arguments. If an event handler is rejected, the event handler callbacks will not be executed.

Name Type Attributes Description
event_name String

The name of the event to trigger.

args params <repeatable>

One or more arguments that will be broadcast to all event handlers attached to the event.


Returns a Deferred object. Because event handlers are sometimes asynchronous, any callbacks in the event handlers will also be asynchronous.


cancelableTriggerUnsafe( event_name, ...args ) → {Deferred}


Triggers an event with a set of unsanitized arguments. If an event handler is rejected, the event handler callbacks will not be executed.

Name Type Attributes Description
event_name String

The name of the event to trigger.

args params <repeatable>

One or more arguments that will be broadcast to all event handlers attached to the event.


Returns a Deferred object. Because event handlers are sometimes asynchronous, any callbacks in the event handlers will also be asynchronous.