SCIS Extensibilty API

The SCIS extensibility API lets you extend the capabilities of SuiteCommerce InStore. You can create extensions that show modal popups with one or more buttons that have custom actions. You can also update the cart in various ways, such as adding lines, applying a promotion code, or voiding lines.

Developer documentation on provides an overview of how to work with the various APIs available to SuiteCommerce developers. Documentation about the extensibility API includes details about instantiating components, subscribing to events, and localizing text.

For a general introduction to what you can do with extensions in SCIS, see the SCIS Extensions topic in the Help Center (login required).

Main Components

SuiteCommerce Extensibility APIs

SuiteCommerce provides several APIs that let you extend and customize the core functionalities of SuiteCommerce. Using the APIs makes it easier to build extensions and ensures that extensions remain compatible with future updates to the SuiteCommerce and NetSuite application code. The following APIs are available for SuiteCommerce:

Frontend Extensibility API

Lets you build extensions that modify and enhance the frontend of a SuiteCommerce web store.

View API
Backend Extensibility API


Provides classes and methods that enable an extension to interact with the backend cart component of a SuiteCommerce web store.

View API
SCIS Extensibility API

Create extensions for SuiteCommerce In-Store that show modal popups in response to actions in the cart, such as adding an item or voiding a line.

View Classes