


accountingBookDetailList AccountingBookDetailList 0..1
actualShipDate dateTime 0..1 Actual F Note this field is read-only.
altHandlingCost double 0..1 Handling Cost F The handling cost automatically calculates depending on the shipping method you select in the Ship Via field. To change the cost of handling, go to Lists > Shipping Items and select the shipping method with the handling cost you want to change.
altSalesTotal double 0..1 The Alternate Sales Amount feature must be enabled in your account in order to populate this field. The value entered sets an Alternate Sales Amount for line items on the sales order. This value can then be used for commission calculations.
altShippingCost double 0..1 Shipping cost F This is a read-only field that returns the shipping costs based on the shipping method selected in shipMethod.
authCode string 0..1 Auth. Code F
balance double 0..1
billAddressList RecordRef 0..1 Sets the billing address for this transaction. This field defaults to the default Billing Address set on the associated Customer record. Use CustomerAddressBookList on the Customer Record to retrieve a list of currently defined addresses for a specific customer. If an address has NOT been defined, you must first define an address on the Customer record in order to set a billing addess for this transaction.
billingAddress Address 0..1
billingSchedule RecordRef 0..1 In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
ccApproved boolean 0..1 Credit Card Approved F Sets the status of the credit card to approved.
ccAvsStreetMatch AvsMatchCode 0..1 AVS Street Match F References a value in a system list. This value sets the Address Verification Services (AVS) result code returned to the credit card processor when a credit card transaction takes place. Possible values include _Y, _N _X. The possible values include: _Y � The address information submitted did match. _N � The address information submitted did not match. _X � The credit card company does not support AVS, or no information was returned. If getAuth is set to True, this value can NOT be set.
ccAvsZipMatch AvsMatchCode 0..1 AVS Zip Match F References a value in a system list. This value sets the Address Verification Services (AVS) result code returned to credit card processor when a credit card transaction takes place. Possible values include _Y, _N _X. The possible values include: _Y � The address information submitted did match. _N � The address information submitted did not match. _X � The credit card company does not support AVS, or no information was returned. If getAuth is set to True, this value can NOT be set.
ccExpireDate dateTime 0..1 Expires (MM/YYYY) F Sets the credit card expiration date.
ccName string 0..1 Name on Card F Defaults to the cardholder name from the default credit card on the customer's record. If the default credit card is not selected in creditCard, you must provide this value.
ccNumber string 0..1 Use this field to set the credit card number. Enter numbers only, without spaces. Partially masked values are not accepted. Only a 16-digit number is accepted. On a get, this value is masked. When searching on this field, you can use only the empty and notEmpty operators.
ccSecurityCode string 0..1 CSC F Settable only if the Use Card Security Code for Credit Card Transactions company preference is enabled at Set Up > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.
ccSecurityCodeMatch AvsMatchCode 0..1 CSC Match F References a value in a system list. Possible values include: _Y � The security code information submitted did match. _N � The security code information submitted did not match. _X � The credit card company does not support security codes.
ccStreet string 0..1 Card Street F Defaults to the street address from the customer's billing address.
ccZipCode string 0..1 Card Zip Code F Defaults to the zip or postal code from the customer's billing address.
class RecordRef 0..1 References a value from a user defined list at Setup > Company > Classifications > Classes. This is only available for line items on a sales order when the Allow Per-Line Classes feature is enabled at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences and you are using a custom form that has been modified to use this field at the line item. This field is required when Make Classes Mandatory is enabled at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
contribPct string 0..1
createdDate dateTime 0..1
createdFrom RecordRef 0..1 Created From F In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
creditCard RecordRef 0..1 References the credit card records associated with the customer record.
creditCardProcessor RecordRef 0..1 Payment Processing Profile F References a user-defined Credit Card Processor record at Setup > Company > Credit Card Processors. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
currency RecordRef 0..1 Currency T If you do not use the Multi-Currency Customers feature, the currency of the customer you are creating this transaction for is shown here. If you use the Multi-Currency Customers feature, select the transaction currency you want to create this transaction in. This customer's primary currency is selected by default. If you have already selected items on this transaction, selecting a new currency refreshes them to show the price in the new currency (except for items you entered custom prices for) and recalculates tax and gross profit.
currencyName string 0..1 Currency F A read only field that defaults to the currency associated with the customer referenced by the entity field.
customFieldList CustomFieldList 0..1 Note that you can search on custom transaction column fields using TransactionSearch.
customForm RecordRef 0..1 Custom Form T References an existing custom form for this record type. To ensure that field relationships defined within a desired custom form are maintained, you must provide the customForm value. Also, if defaults are off, then customForm is required, if defaults are on then the default form is used. Internal ID values for existing forms can be found at Setup > Customization > Entry Forms. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
debitCardIssueNo string 0..1 Issue No. F Sets the debit card authorization number for UK accounts only. The debit card authorization number is printed on the card. Required for users of SecPay or WorldPay.
deferredRevenue double 0..1 Deferred Revenue: amount of revenue deferred on this transaction
department RecordRef 0..1 References a value from a user defined list at Setup > Company > Departments. This is only available for line items on a sales order when the Allow Per-Line Departments feature is enabled at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences and you are using a custom form that has been modified to use this field at the line item. This field is required when Make Departments Mandatory is enabled at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
discountItem RecordRef 0..1 Discount F References a value in a user defined discount list. To create new values, click Lists > Accounting > Items > New > Discount. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
discountRate string 0..1 Rate F If the value entered here includes the percent sign, the discount rate applied to the item is calculated as a percent. If the value entered here does not include the percent sign, the discount rate is applied as an absolute discount value. For example, 10% would result in a ten percent discount on the item whereas 10 would result in a ten dollar discount on the item.
discountTotal double 0..1 Discount Total F This is a read-only field that returns the amount discounted on this sales order.
drAccount RecordRef 0..1 Deferred Revenue Reclassification Account F Select the deferred revenue account to post revenue reclassification amounts generated by revenue reclassification journal entries.
email string 0..1 A comma deliminated list of email addresses the sales order will be emailed to if the toBeEmailed field is set to True.
endDate dateTime 0..1 Sets the date for the last invoice. This should only be set if Advanced Billing is being used.
entity RecordRef 0..1 Sets the customer this sales order is associated with. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
estGrossProfit double 0..1 Estimated Gross Profit: Read-only field that equals the revenue amount minus the Est. Cost. At the transaction level, it equals the gross profit of all lines, factoring transaction-level discounts and markups.
estGrossProfitPercent double 0..1 Estimated Gross Profit Margin, as a percentage: Read-only field that equals the Est. Gross Profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage. At the transaction level, it equals the gross profit percent of all lines, factoring transaction-level discounts and markups.
exchangeRate double 0..1 Exchange Rate T Defaults to the current currency exchange rate as defined in the currency record. This is only settable on an Add.
excludeCommission boolean 0..1 Exclude Commissions F If True, the sales order does NOT generate a commission amount. The Commissions feature must be enabled in your account to set this field.
fax string 0..1 A fax number the sales order will be faxed to if the toBeFaxed field is set to True.
fob string 0..1 Sets the location where the customers technically acquire ownership.
fxAccount RecordRef 0..1 Foreign Currency Adjustment Revenue Account F Select the revenue account to use to post foreign currency adjustments that result when exchange rates are different for billing and revenue postings for this transaction. You must select an income account.
getAuth boolean 0..1 Get Authorization F If set to true, NetSuite your payment gateway to process the request according to the processing profile settings.
giftCertApplied double 0..1
giftCertRedemptionList GiftCertRedemptionList 0..1
handlingCost double 0..1 Handling Cost F The handling cost automatically calculates depending on the shipping method you select in the Ship Via field. To change the cost of handling, go to <_TABNAME=LIST_SHIPITEM_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=LIST_SHIPITEM_> > Shipping Items and select the shipping method with the handling cost you want to change.
handlingTax1Rate double 0..1 Tax Rate F This field shows that tax rate for the handling tax code selected.
handlingTax2Rate string 0..1 Tax Rate F
handlingTaxCode RecordRef 0..1 Handling Tax Code F Select the tax code that should apply to any handling charges on this order.
ignoreAvs boolean 0..1 Ignore AVS F Check the Ignore AVS box to ignore the results of the Address Verification System (AVS) pre-authorization check. If you choose to ignore the AVS check, when a customer's address information does not match the billing address of the credit card account, then Cybersource still processes the payment.
intercoStatus IntercoStatus 0..1 Intercompany Transaction Status can be: * Linked - intercompany order has been paired with an intercompany order in another subsidiary. * Pending - iintercompany order has not been paired with a corresponding order in another subsidiary. * Rejected - intercompany purchase order or vendor return authorization cannot be paired with a sales order or return authorization because it contains incorrect information, such as subsidiary, currency, amount, or other detail.
intercoTransaction RecordRef 0..1 Identifies the intercompany order in another subsidiary that this order is paired with. Order pairs include Sales Order/Purchase Order and Vendor Return Authorization/Return Authorization.
isMultiShipTo boolean 0..1 Check this box to enter multiple shipping routes on this order. In the Ship To field, select a shipping address for the customer. The Default Billing address, from the customer record, is automatically displayed in the field. You can add a New address which is saved to the customer record, or enter a Custom address, which only stays on the transaction, and is not saved to the customer record. In the Ship Via field, select the shipping method you want to use for that address.
isRecurringPayment boolean 0..1 Recurring Payment{:Process the payment for this transaction as recurring.} F This box is checked if this cash sale was generated from a sales order for a recurring payment. Payments marked as recurring can be successfully processed even if the credit card expires during the billing schedule. You should not check this box for standalone cash sales. You should only check this box for transactions with recurring payments. It can be used for cash sale sales orders with billing schedules or memorized cash sale sales order.
isTaxable boolean 0..1 Taxable F If True, this item is taxable.
itemList SalesOrderItemList 0..1
job RecordRef 0..1
lastModifiedDate dateTime 0..1 This is a read only field. When updating a record, this field defaults to the current system date and time.
leadSource RecordRef 0..1 Lead Source F Defaults to the lead source associated with the entity set in the entity field. If a lead source is not associated with the entity, and a default lead source has been set up, the field defaults to the value set at Setup > Marketing > Set Up Marketing. The lead source can reference either of the following: If marketing automation is NOT enabled, this field references a value in a user-defined list at Setup > Sales > Setup Tasks > CRM Lists. If marketing automation IS enabled, this field references a value in the campaign list at Lists > Marketing > Campaigns. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
linkedTrackingNumbers string 0..1 Tracking Numbers F
location RecordRef 0..1 References a value in a user-defined list at Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations. This is only available for line items on a sales order when the Allow Per-Line Locations feature is enabled at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences and you are using a custom form that has been modified to use this field at the line item. Note that if the Multi-Inventory feature is enabled, the Allow Per-Line Locations feature is automatically enabled. This field is required when Make Locations Mandatory is enabled at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
memo string 0..1 Sets a description for the sales order.
message string 0..1 Defaults to the text entered in the messageSel field.
messageSel RecordRef 0..1 Select Message F Sets the message to display on the form. To create new messages, go to Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Accounting Lists > New > Customer Message. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
oneTime double 0..1
opportunity RecordRef 0..1 Opportunity F Associates the sales order with an opportunity. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
orderStatus SalesOrderOrderStatus 0..1 Order Status T This field contains the default status for your sales orders, as specified on the Company Preference page. If your company uses the approval process for sales orders, Pending Approval is your default. If your company does not use the approval process, Pending Fulfillment is your default. You can change the status for each sales order here if needed. Available values are: _pendingApproval _pendingFulfillment Important: You cannot set orderStatus to _closed if you want to close a sales order. Instead, you must close all the line items on the sales order. The order status of the sales order will then change to closed.
otherRefNum string 0..1 Sets the payment reference number. Set to the check number if your customer is paying by check, or, if your customer is issuing a purchase order, set to the PO number.
partner RecordRef 0..1 Partner F Sets the partner associated with this sales order. Existing partners can be viewed at Lists > Relationships > Partners. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
partnersList SalesOrderPartnersList 0..1
paymentEventDate dateTime 0..1
paymentEventHoldReason TransactionPaymentEventHoldReason 0..1 Reason F
paymentEventResult TransactionPaymentEventResult 0..1 Status F
paymentEventType TransactionPaymentEventType 0..1
paymentEventUpdatedBy string 0..1
paymentMethod RecordRef 0..1 Reference to a value in a user-defined list at Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Accounting Lists > New > Payment Method. This value sets the type of card. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
paypalAuthId string 0..1 Authorization ID F
paypalProcess boolean 0..1 Process PayPal Payment {:causes system to process a payment or refund by communicating with PayPal} F
payPalStatus string 0..1 This is a read-only field that returns the Paypal status of a sales order.
payPalTranId string 0..1 This field is settable on an add operation.
pnRefNum string 0..1 P/N Ref. F Available only if Verisign Integration is set up. Sets VeriSign's unique identifier for every transaction they commit. This is useful when the client uses an external application to verify the Credit Card and then supplies the PNRef to NetSuite.
promoCode RecordRef 0..1 Sets a promotion code to apply to this transaction. Defaults to the default promotion code (if defined) at Setup > Marketing > Marketing Preferences. Customers associated with a partner can only use that partner's promotion codes. If you select a promotion code associated with a partner, this transaction is attributed to that partner for reporting purposes. To view existing Promotion Codes, go to Lists > Marketing > Promotion Codes. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
promotionsList PromotionsList 0..1
recognizedRevenue double 0..1 Recognized Revenue: cumulative amount of revenue recognized for this transaction
recurAnnually double 0..1
recurMonthly double 0..1
recurQuarterly double 0..1
recurWeekly double 0..1
revCommitStatus RevenueCommitStatus 0..1 This field provides information about Revenue Commitment(s) in the case of a Sales Order or Revenue Commitment Reversal(s) in the case of a Return Authorization. If you uncheck the Rev Rec on Rev Commit. Field, the Rev. Commit. Status field displays information about the related Invoice(s) or Credit Memo(s). The possible values for this field and definitions are as follows: 1. Pending Commitment - No related revenue transactions have been created. 2. Partially Committed - Some related revenue transactions have been created. 3. Committed - All related revenue transactions have been created.
revenueStatus RevenueStatus 0..1 The possible values for this field are: 1. Pending: indicates that no recognition has occurred. All revenue is still deferred. 2. In Progress: indicates that some recognition has occurred. 3. Completed: indicates that all recognition has occurred. No deferred revenue remains.
revRecEndDate dateTime 0..1 Sets the revenue recognition schedule's end date. Defaults to the current date.
revRecOnRevCommitment boolean 0..1 Check this check box to create a Revenue Commitment or Revenue Commitment Reversal. * On a Sales Order, the Revenue Commitment replaces an invoice * On a Return Authorization, the Revenue Commitment Reversal replaces a credit memo. NetSuite creates all applicable Revenue Recognition schedules the Revenue Commitment or Revenue Commitment Reversal.
revRecSchedule RecordRef 0..1 Sets the revenue recognition template that will be applied to this item. In order to set this field, the item record referenced in the item field must have a deferred revenue account associated with it. This field then defaults to the rev. rec. template associated to the item on the item record. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
revRecStartDate dateTime 0..1 Sets the revenue recognition schedule's start date. Defaults to the current date.
salesEffectiveDate dateTime 0..1 Sales Effective Date F You can change the sales effective date for this transaction. The sales effective date determines which commission plan and historical sales team this transaction applies to.
salesGroup RecordRef 0..1 Choose Team F When team selling is enabled, this references a user defined sales team group at Lists > Relationships > Groups. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
salesRep RecordRef 0..1 Sales Rep F Defaults to the sales representative associated with the customer referenced by the entity field. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
salesTeamList SalesOrderSalesTeamList 0..1
saveOnAuthDecline boolean 0..1
shipAddressList RecordRef 0..1 Sets the shipping address for this transaction. This field defaults to the default Shipping Address set on the associated Customer record. Use CustomerAddressBookList on the Customer Record to retrieve a list of currently defined addresses for a specific customer. If an address has NOT been defined, you must first define an address on the Customer record in order to set a billing addess for this transaction.
shipComplete boolean 0..1 Ship Complete F Check this box if you want to ship this order when there are enough items available to fully fulfill the orders. When fulfilling orders in bulk, you can filter the list to include those orders marked Ship Complete that can be completely fulfilled by selecting Respect Ship Complete in the Filter By field.
shipDate dateTime 0..1 Sets the ship date for this transaction.
shipGroupList SalesOrderShipGroupList 0..1
shipIsResidential boolean 0..1 Shipping address is residential F
shipMethod RecordRef 0..1 References a value in a user-defined list at Lists > Accounting > Shipping Items. Sets the ship method for this transaction. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
shippingAddress Address 0..1
shippingCost double 0..1 Shipping cost F Sets the shipping cost for this transaction. If your account is set up to automatically charge for shipping, this defaults to the value that corresponds to the shipping method selected. Shipping items can be added at Lists > Accounting > Shipping Items. Note that in Web services, whenever an update occurs to quantity or another field that impacts shipping cost, this field's value is automatically recalculated. To prevent this recalculation, submit the shipping cost with your update.
shippingTax1Rate double 0..1 Tax Rate F This field shows the tax rate for the shipping tax code selected.
shippingTax2Rate string 0..1 Tax Rate F
shippingTaxCode RecordRef 0..1 Shipping Tax Code F Select the tax code that should apply to shipping for this order. The tax rate for this code shows below.
shopperIpAddress string 0..1
source string 0..1 Source F
startDate dateTime 0..1 Sets the date for creating the first invoice. This should only be set if Advanced Billing is being used.
status string 0..1 This is a read-only field that returns the status of the Sales Order.
subsidiary RecordRef 0..1 This field displays the subsidiary associated with this transaction.
subTotal double 0..1 This is a read-only field that returns the total before any discounts, shipping cost, handling cost or tax is added to the order.
syncPartnerTeams boolean 0..1 Check this box if you want to update the sales team on the customer's record with changes you make here.
syncSalesTeams boolean 0..1 Check this box if you want to update the sales team on the customer's record with changes you make here.
tax2Total double 0..1 PST F This is a calculated field.
taxItem RecordRef 0..1 Tax Code References a value in a user-defined sales tax item list at Lists > Accounting > Sales Tax Items. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
taxRate double 0..1 This field defaults to the tax rate associated with the taxItem entered but can be modified.
taxTotal double 0..1 Tax F This is a read-only field that returns the result of the the tax rate multiplied by the taxable total of line items for the transaction.
terms RecordRef 0..1 References a value in a user-defined list at Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Accounting Lists > New > Term. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation.
threeDStatusCode string 0..1 Payer Authentication {:"Payer Authentication" is a fraud protection mechanism} Status F
toBeEmailed boolean 0..1 To Be Emailed F Causes the sales order to be mailed to all email addresses included in the email field.
toBeFaxed boolean 0..1 To Be Faxed F Causes the sales order to be faxed to the fax number included in the fax field.
toBePrinted boolean 0..1 To Be Printed F If enabled, this order is saved in a queue of sales orders and picking tickets that can be printed at a later date.
total double 0..1 This is a read-only field that returns the total of line items, tax and shipping costs.
totalCostEstimate double 0..1 Estimated Cost: Estimated cost of the specific number of items; estimated rate x quantity = estimated cost.
trackingNumbers string 0..1 Tracking Numbers F This field is read-only. The numbers are links (for convenience) in the UI, and link to the ItemFulfillment associated with the invoice, sales order, etc. If you want to set item tracking information, do so on the Item Fulfillment record.
tranDate dateTime 0..1 Defaults to the current date.
tranId string 0..1 Defaults to the largest sales order number incremented by one. You can overwrite with another number.
tranIsVsoeBundle boolean 0..1 Transaction Is VSOE Bundle F Check this box to include all items on this transaction as a VSOE bundle. Note: If the Term Source for the Revenue Recognition Template used to allocate revenue is Rev Rec Dates Specified on Sales Order then NetSuite uses the Start and End Dates from the sales order to calculate the Revenue Recognition Schedule.
validFrom dateTime 0..1 Valid From / Start Date (MM/YYYY) F Enter the date when this card first became valid. Use the format MM/YYYY.
vatRegNum string 0..1 Settable only on non-US accounts.
vsoeAutoCalc boolean 0..1 Auto Calculate VSOE Allocation F Check this box to automatically calculate allocation amounts when you save the transaction. Allocation determines the revenue amount for individual transaction lines.


externalId string
internalId string

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