Internal ID |
Type |
nlapiSubmitField |
Label |
Required |
Help |
accessrole |
select |
false |
Role |
false |
Choose the role you want to assign this partner.
The Partner Center role gives a partner access to view and create subpartner records, promotion codes and special reports.
For more information, see the help topic The Partner Center Role.
The Advanced Partner Center role gives your partners access to a wider variety of transactions and records than the standard Partner Center role.
For more information, see the help topic The Advanced Partner Center. |
altemail |
email |
true |
Alt. E-mail |
false |
assigntasks |
checkbox |
true |
Assign Tasks |
false |
Check this box to allow tasks to be assigned to this partner.
Partners with Advanced Partner Center access can view tasks assigned to them in the Tasks list and on the Calendar, depending on individual calendar settings. |
autoname |
checkbox |
false |
Auto |
false |
Clear this box to manually enter a name for this record.
If you leave this box checked, NetSuite assigns a name or number for this record based on your settings at Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers. |
bcn |
text |
false |
Business Number |
false |
If this partner is located in Canada, enter the partner's business number. |
category |
select |
false |
Category |
false |
Select the partner role category that applies to this partner.
To create new categories to add to this list, go to Setup > Sales > CRM Lists > New > Partner Category/Role. |
centertype |
text |
false |
Entity Type |
false |
class |
select |
true |
Class |
false |
Choose a class to associate with this partner.
Click New to enter a new class record.
Go to Setup > Company > Classes for details about existing class records. |
companyname |
text |
true |
Company Name |
false |
Enter the legal name of this partner.
If you use Auto-Generated Numbers, you may want to make sure you enter the partner name here so that it shows up in the Partners list. |
contact |
select |
false |
Primary Contact |
false |
Select the name of this partner's contact with you. This name appears in the billing address on the invoice.
To add contacts to this list, select New, and enter a new contact record.
You can add mulitiple contacts on the Contacts subtab of partner records. |
customform |
select |
false |
Template |
true |
Select the entry form you want to use to create this partner record.
To create custom partner forms, go to Customization > Forms > Entry Forms, and click Customize next to Standard Partner Form. |
datecreated |
datetime |
false |
Date Created |
false |
defaultaddress |
address |
false |
Address |
false |
This field automatically shows the default billing address that you enter and add using the Address subtab. |
defaulttaxreg |
select |
false |
Default Tax Reg. |
false |
Select the default tax registration number for this entity. |
department |
select |
true |
Department |
false |
Choose a department to associate with this partner.
Click New to enter a new department record.
Go to Setup > Company > Departments for details about existing department records. |
eligibleforcommission |
checkbox |
false |
Eligible for Commission |
false |
Check this box if you want this partner to be able to earn commission or royalties. Partners must be assigned to a partner commission plan before they can earn commission. |
email |
email |
false |
E-Mail |
false |
Enter this partner's email address.
If you enter an email address, you can email this partner directly from the Partners list. |
emailpreference |
select |
true |
E-Mail Preference |
false |
Choose the email format used when you email this partner copies of transactions.
You can set your default email setting at Home > Set Preferences.
If you select HTML, be sure this partner has an e-mail program that allows HTML viewing. |
entityid |
text |
true |
Partner ID |
true |
Enter the partner's name here the way it should appear in all lists.
If you use Auto-Generated Numbering, this field fills with the number for this vendor. |
externalid |
text |
false |
ExternalId |
false |
faqty |
text |
false |
FAQty |
false |
faqtymax |
text |
false |
FAQtyMax |
false |
fax |
phone |
true |
Fax |
false |
Enter a fax number for this record. You should enter the fax number exactly as it must be dialed. If a '1' is required to fax to this number, be sure to include it at the beginning of the number.
The number you enter here automatically appears in the To Be Faxed field of transactions when you select this customer.
To fax NetSuite forms, an administrator must first set up fax service at Setup > Set Up Printing, Fax and E-mail > Fax. |
firstname |
text |
false |
Name |
false |
giveaccess |
checkbox |
false |
Give Access |
false |
Check this box to give your partner access to NetSuite. |
globalsubscriptionstatus |
select |
false |
Global Subscription Status |
false |
Email recipients can have one of four subscription statuses:
* Confirmed Opt-In - When an email recipient has indicated that they want to receive your campaign messages, they are assigned this subscription status. Only a recipient can set his or her subscription status to Confirmed Opt-In.
* Soft Opt-In - Recipients with this status can receive opt-in messages that enable them to confirm whether or not they want to receive your email campaigns as well as email marketing campaigns.
You can set a recipient’s status to Soft Opt-In manually or through a mass update.
* Soft Opt-Out - Recipients with this status cannot receive campaign email messages but can receive opt-in messages.
You can change this subscription status to Soft Opt-In manually or through a mass update.
* Confirmed Opt-Out - Only the recipient can set their subscription status to Confirmed Opt-Out.
Recipients with this status cannot receive email campaigns or opt-in messages. Recipients with this status can only opt in again through the Partner Center or by clicking the link in a campaign message they have received prior to opting out. |
homephone |
phone |
true |
Home Phone |
false |
image |
select |
false |
Image |
false |
Select an image from your file cabinet to attach to this record.
Select -New- to upload a new image from your hard drive to your file cabinet in a new window. |
isfaqtyenforced |
text |
false |
isFAQtyEnforced |
false |
isinactive |
checkbox |
true |
Inactive |
false |
When you check this box, this partner no longer appears on the Partners list unless you check the Show Inactives box at the bottom of the page.
Also, you can no longer select this partner from any lists on transactions, contact records, task records or event records. |
isperson |
radio |
true |
Company |
false |
Choose the type of customer record you are creating by selecting Company or Individual in the Type field.
This selection determines which fields and subtabs are used on this record. |
lastmodifieddate |
datetime |
false |
Last Modified Date |
false |
lastname |
text |
false |
false |
location |
select |
true |
Location |
false |
Choose a location to associate with this partner.
Click New to enter a new location record.
Go to Setup > Company > Locations for details about existing location records. |
middlename |
text |
false |
false |
Returns the partner's middle name or initial, if one is entered on the partner record. |
mobilephone |
phone |
true |
Mobile Phone |
false |
otherrelationships |
select |
false |
Other Relationships |
false |
If there are other records in your account for this individual or company, they are listed here.
To create another type of record for this customer, click Add New. |
parent |
select |
false |
Subpartner of |
false |
Select this partner's parent partner. |
partnercode |
text |
true |
Partner Code |
true |
This field autofills with what you entered in the Partner field.
You can edit in this field if you need to change the code. |
phone |
phone |
true |
Phone |
false |
Enter a phone number for this partner.
This number appears in the Partners list.
This field is required for the Online Bill Pay feature.
Phone numbers can be entered in the following formats:999-999-9999, 1-999-999-9999, (999) 999-9999, 1(999) 999-9999 or 999-999-9999 ext 9999 . |
phoneticname |
text |
false |
Furigana |
false |
Enter the furigana character you want to use to sort this record. |
printoncheckas |
text |
false |
Print on Check As |
false |
What you enter here prints on the Pay to the Order of line of a check instead of what you entered in the Partner field. |
referringurl |
url |
false |
Referring URL |
false |
This is the URL you should provide to this partner for referring new customers.
When a customer follows this link and registers with your Web site, the partner is associated with the customer record that is created. |
requirepwdchange |
checkbox |
false |
Require Password Change On Next Login |
false |
Check this box to require this user to change their password on their next login to NetSuite.
When the user next logs in, they see the Change Password page and cannot access other NetSuite pages until a new password is created and saved.
Requiring this action protects your account from unauthorized access using generic passwords and prepares your account for an audit.
The Require Password Change on Next Login box never displays as checked. When you check this box and save the record, an internal flag is set. When the password change occurs, the flag is cleared. If you later check the box again and save the record, the internal flag is reset to require another password change. |
salutation |
text |
true |
Mr./Ms... |
false |
Enter the appropriate salutation for this partner. |
sendemail |
checkbox |
false |
Send Notification E-mail |
false |
Check this box to automatically send a notification email to the partner that you have given them access to NetSuite. The standard NetSuite email message also contains a link to let the user create a password.
If you do not check this box, you must check the Manually Assign or Change Password box. You must create the password, and tell the user the password, and when and how to log in. For security reasons, do not send the password by email. |
strength |
text |
false |
Password Strength |
false |
subpartnerlogin |
checkbox |
false |
Can give login access To Subpartners |
false |
Check this box to let this partner create subpartner records and give them access to NetSuite.
Subpartners can only see information that applies to their parent partner. |
subsidiary |
select |
false |
Subsidiary |
true |
Select the subsidiary to associate with this partner. You cannot enter transactions for this partner unless a subsidiary is assigned.
If you select this customer on a transaction, the transaction is associated with this subsidiary. The partner is able to access only information associated with this subsidiary.
Note: Once a transaction has posted for the partner, you are not able to change the subsidiary selected on the partner record. |
taxfractionunit |
select |
false |
Tax Fraction Unit |
false |
Choose the level of accuracy you want to to calculate tax to. |
taxidnum |
text |
false |
Tax ID |
false |
Enter the partner's tax ID number.
This is necessary if you are required to issue a 1099 form. |
taxrounding |
select |
false |
Tax Rounding |
false |
Choose the tax rounding method you want to use to calculate tax for this record. |
title |
text |
false |
Job Title |
false |
unsubscribe |
select |
false |
Unsubscribe from Campaigns |
false |
This box is checked if this partner has unsubscribed from your e-mail marketing campaigns. Unsubscribed partners receive no marketing campaign e-mail.
Partners can unsubscribe to your e-mail marketing campaigns by clicking a link in any campaign e-mail they receive.
To resubscribe to e-mail campaigns, a partner must opt in through the Customer Center or click the Unsubscribe link on a campaign e-mail message.
If you are using the US Edition of NetSuite and you want new partners to be subscribed by default, an administrator can go to Setup > Marketing > Set Up Marketing and clear the Unsubscribed to Marketing by Default box. |
url |
url |
true |
Web Address |
false |
If this partner has a Web site, enter the URL for the site here.
Web addresses must begin with http:// or https:// |
vatregnumber |
text |
false |
VAT Registration No. |
false |
If this partner is liable for value added tax, enter the partner's VAT registration number. |
washasaccess |
text |
false |
washasaccess |
false |
wasinactive |
text |
false |
wasinactive |
false |