


account RecordRef 0..1 Account F Sets the account used for payments already deposited. Required when undepFunds is set to FALSE.
accountingBookDetailList AccountingBookDetailList 0..1
applied double 0..1 Applied F A read-only field that returns the total of payments applied.
applyList CustomerPaymentApplyList 0..1
arAcct RecordRef 0..1 A/R Account F Select the Accounts Receivable account that will be affected by this transaction. Click —New — to set up a new account.
authCode string 0..1 Auth. Code F Sets the authorization code for the transaction. If you have a NetSuite merchant account, then this field autofills with the authorization code as soon as the charge is approved. If you do not have a NetSuite merchant account, enter the authorization code you receive when the charge to the customer's credit card is validated outside of NetSuite, such as by a card-swipe terminal.
autoApply boolean 0..1 Auto Apply F If set to TRUE, payments are automatically applied to the oldest open receivable.
balance double 0..1 Current Balance F A read-only field that returns the balance in the customer's account. This field is returned in an advanced search only. Note that in your advanced search you must set the BodyFieldsOnly flag to false. This field is a read-only field.
ccApproved boolean 0..1 Credit Card Approved F Sets the status of the credit card to approved.
ccAvsStreetMatch AvsMatchCode 0..1 AVS Street Match F References a value in a system list. This value sets the Address Verification Services (AVS) result code returned to VeriSign when a credit card transaction takes place. Possible values include _Y, _N _X. The possible values include: _Y - The address information submitted did match. _N - The address information submitted did not match. _X - The credit card company does not support AVS, or no information was returned to VeriSign. If getAuth is set to True, this value can NOT be set.
ccAvsZipMatch AvsMatchCode 0..1 AVS Zip Match F References a value in a system list. This value sets the Address Verification Services (AVS) result code returned to VeriSign when a credit card transaction takes place. Possible values include _Y, _N _X. The possible values include: _Y - The address information submitted did match. _N - The address information submitted did not match. _X - The credit card company does not support AVS, or no information was returned to VeriSign. If getAuth is set to True, this value can NOT be set.
ccExpireDate dateTime 0..1 Expires (MM/YYYY) F Sets the credit card expiration date.
ccIsPurchaseCardBin boolean 0..1 Purchase Card BIN F
ccName string 0..1 Name on Card F Defaults to the cardholder name from the default credit card on the customer's record. If the default credit card is not selected in creditCard, you must provide this value.
ccNumber string 0..1 Credit Card # F Use this field to set the credit card number. Enter numbers only, without spaces. Partially masked values are not accepted. Only a 16-digit number is accepted. On a get, this value is masked. When searching on this field, you can use only the empty and notEmpty operators.
ccProcessAsPurchaseCard boolean 0..1 Send Line-Level Data F This box is checked when NetSuite has determined that the credit card entered is a purchase card. You can clear this box if you need to process this payment as a Level I payment transaction. If NetSuite does not recognize the credit card entered as a purchase card but you want to process it as one, check this box.
ccSecurityCode string 0..1 CSC F Settable only if the Use Card Security Code for Credit Card Transactions company preference is enabled at Set Up > Accounting > Set Up Accounting.
ccSecurityCodeMatch AvsMatchCode 0..1 CSC Match F References a value in a system list. Possible values include: _Y - The security code information submitted did match. _N - The security code information submitted did not match. _X - The credit card company does not support security codes.
ccStreet string 0..1 Card Street F Defaults to the street address from the customer's billing address.
ccZipCode string 0..1 Card Zip Code F Defaults to the zip or postal code from the customer's billing address.
chargeIt boolean 0..1 Charge Credit Card F Check this box to make this payment by charging the credit card chosen in the Credit Card Select field.
checkNum string 0..1 Check # F Sets the check number used for the payment.
checkNumber string 0..1 Check # F
class RecordRef 0..1 Class F References a value from a user defined list at Setup > Company > Classifications > Classes. This field is required when the Make Classes Mandatory preference is enabled at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.
createdDate dateTime 0..1 Date Created F
creditCard RecordRef 0..1 Cards on File F References the credit card records associated with the customer record.
creditCardProcessor RecordRef 0..1 Payment Processing Profile F References a user-defined Credit Card Processor record at Setup > Company > Credit Card Processors.
creditList CustomerPaymentCreditList 0..1
currency RecordRef 0..1 Currency F If you do not use the Multiple Currencies or Multi-Currency Customers features, the currency of the customer for whom you are creating this transaction is shown here. If you use the Multiple Currencies or Multi-Currency Customers features, select the transaction currency in which you want to accept payment. This customer's primary currency is selected by default. The currency you select filters the list of invoices to which you can apply payment, and lists of credits and deposits you can apply. If you are accepting payment through a top-level customer, you can make payments toward any invoices entered for a customer in the hierarchy as long as the invoice currency is set as a transaction currency for that top-level parent.
currencyName string 0..1 Currency F A read only field that defaults to the currency associated with the customer referenced by the entity field.
customer RecordRef 0..1 F References an exiting customer or job record. Required on Add.
customFieldList CustomFieldList 0..1
customForm RecordRef 0..1 Custom Form F
debitCardIssueNo string 0..1 Issue No. F Sets the debit card authorization number for UK accounts only. The debit card authorization number is printed on the card. Required for users of SecPay or WorldPay.
department RecordRef 0..1 Department F References a value from a user defined list at Setup > Company > Departments.
depositList CustomerPaymentDepositList 0..1
dynamicDescriptor string 0..1 Soft Descriptor F
exchangeRate double 0..1 Exchange Rate T Required on Add. Defaults to the rate associated with the customer set in the customer field.
handlingMode CustomerPaymentHandlingMode 0..1 Handling Mode T
ignoreAvs boolean 0..1 Ignore AVS F Check the Ignore AVS box to ignore the results of the Address Verification System (AVS) pre-authorization check. If you choose to ignore the AVS check, when a customer's address information does not match the billing address of the credit card account, then Cybersource still processes the payment.
inputAuthCode string 0..1 Input Auth. Code F
inputReferenceCode string 0..1 Input P/N Ref. T
isRecurringPayment boolean 0..1 Recurring Payment F This box is checked if this payment was created for a recurring cash sale. Payments marked as recurring can be successfully processed even if the credit card expires during the billing schedule. You should not check this box for standalone payments. You should only check this box for transactions with recurring payments. It can be used for cash sale sales orders with billing schedules or memorizes cash sale sales orders.
lastModifiedDate dateTime 0..1 Date Last Modified F
location RecordRef 0..1 Location F This field is only settable if the Mulit-Location Inventory (MLI) feature is turned off.
memo string 0..1 Memo F If you wish, enter a memo to describe this payment. It will appear on reports such as the 2-line Accounts Receivable register that NetSuite merchants and their guest-customers can see (if given permission to log in and view their transaction history).
outputAuthCode string 0..1 Auth. Code F
outputReferenceCode string 0..1 P/N Ref. F
payment double 0..1 Payment Amount F Sets the total amount of payment for this customer.
paymentCardCsc string 0..1 CSC F
paymentMethod RecordRef 0..1 Payment Method F Reference to a value in a user-defined list at Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Accounting Lists > New > Payment Method. This value sets the type of card.
paymentOperation CustomerPaymentPaymentOperation 0..1 Payment Operation F
paymentOption RecordRef 0..1 Payment Option F
paymentProcessingProfile RecordRef 0..1 Payment Processing Profile T
pending double 0..1 Pending F A read-only field that returns the sum of unapproved credit card payments for the customer.
pnRefNum string 0..1 P/N Ref. F If you accept credit card payments, the Verisign authentication code appears here once the payment is approved.
postingPeriod RecordRef 0..1 Posting Period F Required on Add when the Accounting Periods feature is enabled.
status string 0..1 Status F
subsidiary RecordRef 0..1 Subsidiary F This field shows the subsidiary associated with this transaction.
threeDStatusCode string 0..1 Payer Authentication Status F
total double 0..1 To Apply F NetSuite adds the payment amount from above plus any credits you have chosen to apply and displays the total here.
tranDate dateTime 0..1 Date T Required on Add. Defaults to the current date.
tranId string 0..1 Payment # F This is the document number automatically generated for the transaction by NetSuite.
unapplied double 0..1 Unapplied F A read-only field that returns the difference between amounts available to apply to payments and payments applied.
undepFunds boolean 0..1 Undeposited Funds F Set to TRUE if entering a payment that will be deposited to a bank account later. If set to FALSE, set an account in the account field.
validFrom dateTime 0..1 Valid From / Start Date (MM/YYYY) F Enter the date when this card first became valid.


externalId string
internalId string

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