Item Receipt

Internal ID: itemreceipt

Supports Custom Fields


Internal ID Type nlapiSubmitField Label Required Help
class select false Class false Select a class to associate with this transaction. To create a new class, select New. For details on existing classes, go to Setup > Company > Classes.
createddate datetime false false
createdfrom select false Created From false This field shows the purchase order this item receipt is created from. Click the link to open the purchase order.
currency select false Currency false The currency used on the purchase order for this receipt is shown here.
currencyname text false Currency false
currencysymbol text false Currency Symbol false
customform select false Custom Form true
department select false Department false Select a department to associate with this transaction. To create a new department, select New. For details on existing departments, go to Setup > Company > Departments.
entity select false Vendor false This field shows the name of the entity you are receiving items from.
exchangerate currency2 false Exchange Rate true The currency's exchange rate is shown in this field. You can edit the exchange rate for this transaction only, or you can update the currency record with the exchange rate you enter here.
externalid text false ExternalId false
inboundshipment select Inbound Shipment false
isbasecurrency checkbox false Base Currency false
itemfulfillment select false Item Fulfillment false
landedcostperline checkbox false Landed Cost per Line false If this box is checked, all new item receipts, credit card charges, vendor bills, and checks default to use landed cost per line.
lastmodifieddate datetime false false
location select false To Location false
memo text true Memo false Enter an optional reference memo for this receipt. Later, you can search for this receipt by text entered in the memo.
postingperiod select false Posting Period false Select the period you want to post this transaction to. If a period is closed, you cannot post to that period.
subsidiary select false Subsidiary false This field displays the subsidiary associated with the received items.
trandate date false Date true This is the date you are receiving this order. If you want to change the date, enter or click Pick to select a different date.
tranid text false Reference # false NetSuite increases the largest item receipt number by one. If you wish, you can type another number. The next item receipt number will revert to the standard pattern.


accountingbookdetail - Accounting Books

Internal ID Type Label Required Help
accountingbook select Secondary Book false
exchangerate currency2 Exchange Rate true

expense - Expenses

Internal ID Type Label Required Help
amount currency Amount false
markreceived checkbox Mark Received false

item - Items

Internal ID Type Label Required Help
class text Class false
countryofmanufacture text false
department text Department false
inventorydetail summary Inventory Detail false
item text false
itemdescription text Description false
itemkey text Item false
itemname text Item false
itemreceive checkbox Receive false
itemtype text false
line text false
location select To Location true
manufactureraddr1 text false
manufacturercity text false
manufacturerstate text false
manufacturertariff text false
manufacturertaxid text false
manufacturerzip text false
multmanufactureaddr text false
onhand float On Hand false
options namevaluelist Options false
preferencecriterion text false
producer text false
quantity posfloat Quantity false
quantityremaining float false
restock checkbox Restock? false
schedulebcode text false
schedulebnumber text false
schedulebquantity text false
sitemname text Item false
units text false


Name Label
custom Custom
history History
items Items
landedcost Landed Cost
workflow Workflow

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