
This table includes data related to the vendor-subsidiary relationship.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
balance NUMBER 39 0 The vendor's current accounts payable balance due
balance_base NUMBER 20 2 The vendor's current accounts payable balance due, in your base currency
credit_limit NUMBER 20 2 Optional credit limit for your purchases from this vendor
subsidiary_id NUMBER 39 0 subsidiary_id
This column is used for backward compatibility only. Use the customer_subsidary_map_id or customer_subsidiary_map_extid columns instead.
unbilled_orders NUMBER 39 0 The total amount of orders that have been entered but not yet billed
unbilled_orders_base NUMBER 20 2 The total amount of orders that have been entered but not yet billed, in your base currency
vendor_id NUMBER 39 0 vendor_id
This column is used for backward compatibility only. Use the customer_subsidary_map_id or customer_subsidiary_map_extid columns instead.
vendor_subsidiary_map_extid VARCHAR2 255 Optional external ID of the vendor-subsidiary mapping settable by the customer
vendor_subsidiary_map_id NUMBER 39 0 Unique internal ID of the vendor-subsidiary mapping

Primary key (Composite)

PK Column Name

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
vendor_subsidiary_map_subsidiaries_fk subsidiary_id Subsidiaries subsidiary_id 1
vendor_subsidiary_map_vendors_fk vendor_id Vendors vendor_id 1