

Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
abbreviation VARCHAR2 20 Abbreviation of name
conversion_rate NUMBER 18 8 Conversion rate between this UOM and base UOM
date_last_modified TIMESTAMP Date last modified (GMT)
is_base_unit VARCHAR2 3 Boolean indicating whether this is the base UOM for the units type
name VARCHAR2 40 User-defined name
plural_abbreviation VARCHAR2 20 Abbreviation of plural name
plural_name VARCHAR2 40 Plural form of name
units_type_id NUMBER 39 0 Units type used by the item
uom_id NUMBER 39 0 Unit of measure ID

Primary key

PK Column Name

Foreign keys referencing this table

FK Name PK Column Name FK Table Name FK Column Name Key Seq
Billing_rate_cards_prices_uom_fk uom_id Billing_rate_cards_prices sale_unit_id 1
Bom_revision_components_uom_fk uom_id Bom_revision_components unit_of_measure_id 1
Inbound_shipment_items_uom_fk uom_id Inbound_shipment_items unit_id 1
Item_default_secondary_units_uom_fk uom_id Item_default_secondary_units secondary_unit_id 1
Item_group_uom_fk uom_id Item_group unit_of_measure_id 1