
The Item Fields custom field is available for the Tax Items table.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
date_last_modified TIMESTAMP Date last modified (GMT)
description VARCHAR2 4000 Description
full_name VARCHAR2 550 Tax code name. This field is available only if the SuiteTax feature is disabled in your account.
income_account_id NUMBER 39 0 Sales tax account of the tax code. This field is available only if the SuiteTax feature is disabled in your account.
isinactive VARCHAR2 3 Tax item is inactive
item_extid VARCHAR2 255 Item external ID
item_id NUMBER 39 0 Item ID
name VARCHAR2 250 Tax code name. This field is available only if the SuiteTax feature is enabled in your account.
parent_id NUMBER 39 0 Parent of tax item. This field is available only if the SuiteTax feature is disabled in your account.
rate VARCHAR2 42 Rate. This field is available only if the SuiteTax feature is disabled in your account.
tax_city VARCHAR2 4000 Tax city. This field is available only if the SuiteTax feature is disabled in your account.
tax_county VARCHAR2 41 Tax county. This field is available only if the SuiteTax feature is disabled in your account.
tax_state VARCHAR2 2 Tax state. This field is available only if the SuiteTax feature is disabled in your account.
tax_type_id NUMBER 39 0 Tax type
tax_zipcode VARCHAR2 4000 Tax zip code. This field is available only if the SuiteTax feature is disabled in your account.
vendor_id NUMBER 39 0 This field is not supported.
vendorname VARCHAR2 250 This field is not supported.

Primary key

PK Column Name

Foreign keys referencing this table

FK Name PK Column Name FK Table Name FK Column Name Key Seq
Transaction_tax_detail_tax_items_fk item_id Transaction_tax_detail tax_item_id 1