
Important: As of NetSuite 2017.1, the system_notes_custom view should be queried instead of the notes_system_custom view.

Important: There is no comments column in the system_notes_custom view. Instead, comment data is stored in the operation, value_old, and value_new columns. For example, the comment "Changed from '30' to '100'" has the following values in the system_notes_custom view:
- operation: changed
- value_old: 30
- value_new: 100
Use these columns to query comment data.

Note: The following columns are not present in the system_notes_custom view:
- note_type_extid
- note_type
- note_type_description
- isinactive
- system_use
- date_last_modified
If you need to query these columns, join the notetype view using the note_type_id column. Additionally, there are no note_id or direction columns in the system_notes_custom view.

Note: The following columns have been renamed:
- time_entered is now date_created
- customfield_created_date is now date_customfield_created
- customfield_modified_date is now date_customfield_modified
- customfield_created_by is now customfield_created_by_id
- customfield_modified_by is now customfield_modified_by_id


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
author_id NUMBER 39 0 entity_id
Author ID
company_id NUMBER 39 0 entity_id
Company ID
context_type_name VARCHAR2 256 Context type name
custom_field VARCHAR2 40 The exact field that has been changed on the line item. For example, an item's description, account, etc.
customfield_created_by_id NUMBER 39 0 entity_id
Custom field - created by
customfield_modified_by_id NUMBER 39 0 entity_id
Custom field - modified by
date_created TIMESTAMP Date created
date_customfield_created TIMESTAMP Custom field - date created
date_customfield_modified TIMESTAMP Custom field - date modified
event_id NUMBER 39 0 Event ID
item_id NUMBER 39 0 item_id
Item ID
line_id NUMBER 39 0 transaction_line_id
Line ID
line_transaction_id NUMBER 39 0 transaction_id
Line transaction ID
name VARCHAR2 4000 Name
note_type_id NUMBER 39 0 note_type_id
Note type ID
operation VARCHAR2 4000 The operation in the comment data. For example, in the comment "Changed from '30' to '100'", the value of the operation column is "changed". In the comment "Set to 200", the value of the operation column is "set".
record_id NUMBER 39 0 Record ID
record_type_id NUMBER 39 0 Record type ID
role_id NUMBER 39 0 Role ID
standard_field VARCHAR2 40 Standard field
transaction_id NUMBER 39 0 transaction_id
Transaction ID
value_new VARCHAR2 4000 The new value in the comment data. For example, in the comment "Set to 200", the value of the column is "200". In the comment "Changed from '30' to '100'", the value is "100. In the comment "Unset from ‘100’", the value is null.
value_old VARCHAR2 4000 The old value in the comment data. For example, in the comment "Set to 200", the value of the value_old column is null. In the comment "Changed from '30' to '100'", the value is "30". In the comment "Unset from ‘100’", the value is 100.

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
system_notes_custom_entity_fk company_id Entity entity_id 1
system_notes_custom_entity_fk_2 author_id Entity entity_id 1
system_notes_custom_entity_fk_3 customfield_created_by_id Entity entity_id 1
system_notes_custom_entity_fk_4 customfield_modified_by_id Entity entity_id 1
system_notes_custom_items_fk item_id Items item_id 1
system_notes_custom_notetype_fk note_type_id Notetype note_type_id 1
system_notes_custom_transaction_lines_fk line_transaction_id Transaction_lines transaction_id 1
system_notes_custom_transaction_lines_fk line_id Transaction_lines transaction_line_id 2
system_notes_custom_transactions_fk transaction_id Transactions transaction_id 1