
This table includes the change orders associated with the subscription record. The table's data is available only for accounts with the SuiteBilling feature enabled.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
action_id VARCHAR2 23 Action ID
approval_status_id VARCHAR2 18 Approval Status ID
change_order_extid VARCHAR2 255 Change order external ID
change_order_id NUMBER 39 0 Change order ID
change_order_number VARCHAR2 60 Change order number
date_approval TIMESTAMP Date approved
date_created TIMESTAMP Date created
date_effective TIMESTAMP Effective date
date_last_modified TIMESTAMP Date last modified
date_new_end TIMESTAMP New end date
date_renewal_start TIMESTAMP Renewal start date
is_terminate_at_start_of_day VARCHAR2 3 Determines whether a termination change order begins at the start of the day or at end of the day.
memo VARCHAR2 400 Memo. Long messages may be truncated. If you need a longer message, try joining the Message column from the Message table.
modification_type VARCHAR2 25 Determines how this change order impacts recurring revenue analytics of a subscription.
reactivation_option_id VARCHAR2 31 Reactivation option ID
renewal_method_id VARCHAR2 30 Renewal method ID
renewal_price_book_id NUMBER 39 0 Renewal price book ID
renewal_subscription_plan_id NUMBER 39 0 plan_id
Renewal subscription plan ID
renewal_term_id NUMBER 39 0 term_id
Renewal term ID
renewal_transaction_type VARCHAR2 8 Renewal transaction type
requester_id NUMBER 39 0 employee_id
Requester ID
status_id VARCHAR2 30 Status ID
subscription_id NUMBER 39 0 subscription_id
Subscription ID

Primary key

PK Column Name

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
subscription_change_orders_billing_subscriptions_fk subscription_id Billing_subscriptions subscription_id 1
subscription_change_orders_employees_fk requester_id Employees employee_id 1
subscription_change_orders_subscription_plans_fk renewal_subscription_plan_id Subscription_plans plan_id 1
subscription_change_orders_subscription_terms_fk renewal_term_id Subscription_terms term_id 1

Foreign keys referencing this table

FK Name PK Column Name FK Table Name FK Column Name Key Seq
Subscription_co_lines_subscription_change_orders_fk change_order_id Subscription_co_lines change_order_id 1
Subscription_line_revisions_subscription_change_orders_fk change_order_id Subscription_line_revisions change_order_id 1