
This table includes the changes to subscription lines, which are made using a change order. For any subscription line items that changed since the last revision, the table shows only the pricing columns. For activate change orders, the table shows all columns.

The table's data is available only for accounts with the SuiteBilling feature enabled.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
change_order_id NUMBER 39 0 change_order_id
ID of the Change Order that triggered the revision
created_by VARCHAR2 167 Who created the revision
date_change_order_effective TIMESTAMP Effective date of change order that triggered the revision
date_created TIMESTAMP Date of revision
date_end TIMESTAMP
date_last_modified TIMESTAMP Date revision was last modified
delta_amount NUMBER 26 8 Change in amount since last revision
delta_quantity NUMBER 28 8 Change in quantity since last revision
discount NUMBER 39 0 Initial subscription line discount, or new discount of revised subscription line
is_applied_to_change_order VARCHAR2 3 Whether revision is from a subscription line unchecked in a change order
is_created_from_void VARCHAR2 3 Whether revision results from voided change order
is_discount_percentage VARCHAR2 3 Whether the discount is a percentage
is_overage_discount_percentage VARCHAR2 3 Whether the overage discount is a percentage
overage_discount NUMBER 39 0 Initial overage discount of subscription line, or new overage discount of revised subscription line
overage_price_plan_id NUMBER 39 0 price_plan_id
Initial overage price plan of subscription line, or new overage price plan of revised subscription line
price_plan_id NUMBER 39 0 price_plan_id
Initial price plan of subscription line, or new price plan of revised subscription line
quantity NUMBER 39 0 Initial subscription line quantity, or new quantity of revised subscription line
recurring_amount NUMBER 39 0 Initial recurring amount of subscription line, or new recurring amount of revised subscription line
revenue_element_id NUMBER 39 0 revenue_element_id
Revenue element associated with revision when updated version has usage, or with subscription line
subscription_line_id NUMBER 39 0 subline_id
ID of line revision
subscription_revision NUMBER 39 0 Line revision number
total_contract_value NUMBER 26 8 Change in total contract value since last revision

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
subscription_line_revisions_billing_subscription_lines_fk subscription_line_id Billing_subscription_lines subline_id 1
subscription_line_revisions_price_plans_fk price_plan_id Price_plans price_plan_id 1
subscription_line_revisions_price_plans_fk_2 overage_price_plan_id Price_plans price_plan_id 1
subscription_line_revisions_revenue_elements_fk revenue_element_id Revenue_elements revenue_element_id 1
subscription_line_revisions_subscription_change_orders_fk change_order_id Subscription_change_orders change_order_id 1