
This table includes the price intervals associated with the Subscription record. It represents the pricing-related data for subscription lines effective during a defined time period (date_end_exclusive and date_start_inclusive).
The table's data is available only for accounts with the SuiteBilling feature enabled.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
charge_frequency_id VARCHAR2 20 Charge frequency ID
date_end_exclusive TIMESTAMP End date exclusive
date_start_inclusive TIMESTAMP Start date inclusive
discount NUMBER 39 0 Discount
included_quantity NUMBER 39 0 Included quantity
is_discount_percentage VARCHAR2 3 Whether the discount is a percentage
plan_line_id NUMBER 39 0 plan_line_id
Plan line ID
plan_line_number NUMBER 39 0 Plan line number
price_plan_id NUMBER 39 0 price_plan_id
Price plan ID
prorate_by VARCHAR2 10 Month or day
prorate_by_option VARCHAR2 50
quantity NUMBER 18 8 Quantity
repeat_every NUMBER 39 0 Repeat every
status_id VARCHAR2 25 Status ID
subscription_line_id NUMBER 39 0 subline_id
Subscription line ID
total_interval_value NUMBER 39 0

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
subscript_line_price_intervals_billing_subscription_lines_fk subscription_line_id Billing_subscription_lines subline_id 1
subscript_line_price_intervals_price_plans_fk price_plan_id Price_plans price_plan_id 1
subscript_line_price_intervals_subscription_plan_lines_fk plan_line_id Subscription_plan_lines plan_line_id 1