
This table includes component-related data for standard costs. It does not return the standard cost version ID. Use the Planned_standard_costs parent table to get the cost version ID. The standard_cost_components table's data is available only for accounts with the Standard Costing feature enabled.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
component_id NUMBER 39 0 item_id
Component ID
cost_category VARCHAR2 50 Cost category
line_id NUMBER 39 0 Line ID
planned_standard_cost_id NUMBER 39 0 planned_standard_cost_id
Planned standard cost ID
quantity NUMBER 39 0 Quantity
standard_cost NUMBER 39 0 Standard cost

Primary key (Composite)

PK Column Name

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
standard_cost_components_items_fk component_id Items item_id 1
standard_cost_components_planned_standard_costs_fk planned_standard_cost_id Planned_standard_costs planned_standard_cost_id 1