
This table includes data related to the Revenue Recognition Plan record. A revenue recognition plan is derived from a revenue recognition rule during the revenue planning process in Advanced Revenue Management.

Important: This table's data is available only when the Advanced Revenue Management feature is enabled in the account.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
accounting_period_id NUMBER 39 0 accounting_period_id
Accounting period ID
comments VARCHAR2 500 Comments
created_from VARCHAR2 4000 Source revenue element
creation_triggered_by VARCHAR2 4000 Record that triggered revenue recognition plan creation
date_created TIMESTAMP Date created
date_last_modified TIMESTAMP Date last modified
end_date TIMESTAMP End date
is_hold_rev_rec VARCHAR2 3 Whether to put revenue recognition plan on hold
plan_id NUMBER 39 0 Plan ID
plan_number VARCHAR2 99 Plan number
reforecast_method VARCHAR2 150 Reforecast method
rev_rec_rule_id NUMBER 39 0 rev_rec_rule_id
Revenue recognition rule ID
revenue_element_id NUMBER 39 0 revenue_element_id
Revenue elements ID
revenue_plan_status VARCHAR2 128 Revenue plan status
revenue_plan_type VARCHAR2 128 Revenue plan type
start_date TIMESTAMP Start date

Primary key

PK Column Name

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
revenue_plans_accounting_periods_fk accounting_period_id Accounting_periods accounting_period_id 1
revenue_plans_revenue_elements_fk revenue_element_id Revenue_elements revenue_element_id 1
revenue_plans_revenue_recognition_rules_fk rev_rec_rule_id Revenue_recognition_rules rev_rec_rule_id 1

Foreign keys referencing this table

FK Name PK Column Name FK Table Name FK Column Name Key Seq
Revenue_plan_lines_revenue_plans_fk plan_id Revenue_plan_lines plan_id 1
Revenue_plan_versions_revenue_plans_fk plan_id Revenue_plan_versions plan_id 1