

Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
category_name VARCHAR2 4000 Category Name.
category_type VARCHAR2 10 Category Type (labor, expense, supplier, other).
expense_category_id NUMBER 39 0 ID of the expense sub-category. NULL if category_type is not expense.
full_name VARCHAR2 4000 Fully qualified name of the category, prefixed by the category type.
is_other_category VARCHAR2 3 Indicates the other category, for example. Labor:Other, Expense:Other, etc.
is_selected VARCHAR2 3 Indicates if the category should be used for budgeting and reporting.
project_cost_category_id NUMBER 39 0 ID of the category.
service_item_id NUMBER 39 0 ID of the labor sub-category. NULL if category_type is not labor.
supplier_category_id VARCHAR2 32 ID of the supplier sub-category. NULL if category_type is not supplier.
use_subcategories VARCHAR2 3 Indicates, for a top-level category, if any of its sub-categories have been selected for use.

Primary key

PK Column Name