
The table stores Price Book records. To see these records, the SuiteBilling feature must be enabled.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
currency VARCHAR2 4 Type of currency for charges for an item; for example USD
name VARCHAR2 32 Name of the price book
plan_id NUMBER 39 0 plan_id
Unique identifier of the parent subscription plan, which is the only subplan for which this price book can be used
price_book_extid VARCHAR2 255 User-assigned id for the price book to associate these records with other systems the user is using
price_book_id NUMBER 39 0 NetSuite-assigned id for the price book that is used on other records to refer to this price book record

Primary key

PK Column Name

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
price_books_subscription_plans_fk plan_id Subscription_plans plan_id 1

Foreign keys referencing this table

FK Name PK Column Name FK Table Name FK Column Name Key Seq
Price_book_line_intervals_price_books_fk price_book_id Price_book_line_intervals price_book_id 1