
The table stores Price Tier records. To see these records, the SuiteBilling feature must be enabled.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
from_quantity NUMBER 39 0 Starting quantity for an individual tier, which extends to the next tier's from_quantity
maximum_quantity NUMBER 20 2 Discount in which after a certain price is reached, the cost for your customers does not increase. If you enter a maximum_quantity of $500.00, the customer does not have to pay for additional items after they have spent $500
minimum_quantity NUMBER 20 2 Forces customers to purchase at least a minimum amount in currency of an item, even if the item has a quantity of only 1
price_plan_id NUMBER 39 0 price_plan_id
NetSuite-assigned id for the price plan that defines how other NetSuite records, such as a price book, subscription pricing, or subscription change orders, associate with the price plan
price_tier VARCHAR2 45 Prices and discounts organized in tiers based on the quantity purchased
price_tier_id NUMBER 39 0 NetSuite-assigned id for the price tier that is used to refer to this tier elsewhere
price_value NUMBER 39 0 Amount to charge per item, or per tier, depending on the pricing option
pricing_option VARCHAR2 200 Whether the discount is based on the rate, which calculates the item amount as (quantity x rate), or a fixed amount, with which the item's defined charge amount is not affected by its quantity

Primary key

PK Column Name

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
price_tiers_price_plans_fk price_plan_id Price_plans price_plan_id 1