

Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
amount NUMBER 20 2 Amount
currency_id NUMBER 39 0 Currency
exchange_rate NUMBER 30 15 Exchange rate
expense_category_id NUMBER 39 0 Expense category ID
expense_date TIMESTAMP Date of the expense
expense_detail_id NUMBER 39 0 Expense detail ID
foreign_amount NUMBER 20 2 Foreign amount
foreign_rate NUMBER 30 15 Foreign rate
has_receipt VARCHAR2 3 Is there a receipt associated with this line?
is_paid_by_corp_credit_card VARCHAR2 3 Is paid by corporate credit card
memo VARCHAR2 999 Memo
quantity NUMBER 18 8 Quantity
rate NUMBER 30 15 Rate
reference_number NUMBER 5 0 Reference number
tax_amount NUMBER 20 2 Tax amount
transaction_id NUMBER 39 0 Transaction ID
transaction_line_id NUMBER 39 0 Transaction line ID

Primary key

PK Column Name