
This table includes data related to the source type of the imported employee expenses.
This data is available only for accounts with the Expense Reports feature enabled.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
date_created TIMESTAMP Date when the source type was created
date_last_modified TIMESTAMP Date when the source type was last modified
is_inactive VARCHAR2 3 Whether the source type is inactive
source_description VARCHAR2 400 Description of the source type
source_extid VARCHAR2 255 External ID of the source type
source_name VARCHAR2 100 Name of the source type
source_type_id NUMBER 39 0 ID of the source type. This value corresponds to the source_id of the Imported_employee_expenses table.

Primary key

PK Column Name

Foreign keys referencing this table

FK Name PK Column Name FK Table Name FK Column Name Key Seq
Imported_employee_expenses_employee_expense_sources_fk source_type_id Imported_employee_expenses source_id 1