
The Other Custom Fields > Department custom field is available for the Departments table.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
date_last_modified TIMESTAMP Date last modified
department_extid VARCHAR2 255 Department external ID
department_id NUMBER 39 0 Department ID
full_name VARCHAR2 4000 Full name
is_including_child_subs VARCHAR2 3 Sets department to include child subsidiaries
isinactive VARCHAR2 3 Department is inactive
name VARCHAR2 60 Name
parent_id NUMBER 39 0 department_id
Subdepartment of

Primary key

PK Column Name

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
departments_departments_fk parent_id Departments department_id 1

Foreign keys referencing this table

FK Name PK Column Name FK Table Name FK Column Name Key Seq
Account_activity_departments_fk department_id Account_activity department_id 1
Account_period_activity_departments_fk department_id Account_period_activity department_id 1
Accounts_departments_fk department_id Accounts department_id 1
Billing_subscription_lines_departments_fk department_id Billing_subscription_lines department_id 1
Billing_subscriptions_departments_fk department_id Billing_subscriptions department_id 1
Budget_departments_fk department_id Budget department_id 1
Departments_departments_fk department_id Departments parent_id 1
Employee_time_departments_fk department_id Employee_time department_id 1
Employees_departments_fk department_id Employees department_id 1
Global_account_map_departments_fk department_id Global_account_map department_id 1
Item_account_map_departments_fk department_id Item_account_map department_id 1
Opportunity_lines_departments_fk department_id Opportunity_lines department_id 1
Posting_account_activity_departments_fk department_id Posting_account_activity department_id 1
Posting_account_activity_pe_departments_fk department_id Posting_account_activity_pe department_id 1
Subscription_plans_departments_fk department_id Subscription_plans department_id 1
Subsidiary_department_map_departments_fk department_id Subsidiary_department_map department_id 1

This table is included in the following domains


Domain diagrams
