
This table includes data related to the customer-subsidiary relationship.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
balance NUMBER 39 0 The customer's current accounts receivable balance due. Note: If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, the amount in this field appears in the customer's currency.
customer_id NUMBER 39 0 customer_id
This column is used for backward compatibility only. Use the customer_subsidary_map_id or customer_subsidiary_map_extid columns instead.
customer_subsidiary_map_extid VARCHAR2 255 Optional external ID of the customer-subsidiary mapping settable by the customer
customer_subsidiary_map_id NUMBER 39 0 Unique internal ID of the customer-subsidiary mapping
deposit_balance NUMBER 39 0 The total amount of unapplied deposits for the customer. Note: If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, the amount in this field appears in the customer's currency.
subsidiary_id NUMBER 39 0 subsidiary_id
This column is used for backward compatibility only. Use the customer_subsidary_map_id or customer_subsidiary_map_extid columns instead.
unbilled_orders NUMBER 39 0 The total amount of orders that have been entered but not yet billed. Note: If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, the amount in this field appears in the customer's currency.

Primary key (Composite)

PK Column Name

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
customer_subsidiary_map_customers_fk customer_id Customers customer_id 1
customer_subsidiary_map_subsidiaries_fk subsidiary_id Subsidiaries subsidiary_id 1