
This table includes Subscription charges.
The table's data is available only for accounts with the SuiteBilling feature enabled.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
amount NUMBER 20 2 Amount of the charges
billing_account_id NUMBER 39 0 Billing account ID
billing_mode_id VARCHAR2 32 Billing mode of the charges
billing_schedule_id NUMBER 39 0 billing_schedule_id
Billing schedule of the charges
category_0 NUMBER 39 0 Category of the charges
charge_extid VARCHAR2 255 Charge Ext ID of the charges
charge_id NUMBER 39 0 Charge ID of the changes
chargeemployee NUMBER 39 0 Employee of the charges
chargerule NUMBER 39 0 Charge rule of the charges
chargestage VARCHAR2 32 Charge stage of the charges
chargetype NUMBER 39 0 Charge type of the charges
chargeuse VARCHAR2 32 Charge use of the charges
class_0 NUMBER 39 0 Class of the charges
currency NUMBER 39 0 Currency of the charges
customer NUMBER 39 0 Customer of the charges
date_0 TIMESTAMP Date of the charges (GMT time zone)
date_bill TIMESTAMP Date of the bill of the charges (GMT time zone)
date_last_modified TIMESTAMP Date Last Modified (GMT time zone)
date_service_end TIMESTAMP Date service end of the charges (GMT time zone)
date_service_start TIMESTAMP Date service start of the charges (GMT time zone)
department NUMBER 39 0 Department of the charges
description VARCHAR2 4000 Description of the charges
group_order NUMBER 39 0 Group order of the charges
item NUMBER 39 0 Item of the charges
location_0 NUMBER 39 0 Location
memo VARCHAR2 4000 Memo of the charges
quantity NUMBER 18 8 Quantity of the charges
rate NUMBER 30 15 Rate of the charges
run_id NUMBER 39 0 Run ID of the charges
sales_order NUMBER 39 0 Sales order of the charges
so_line NUMBER 39 0 Sales Order of the line item of the charges
subscription_line_id NUMBER 39 0 Subscription line ID
subsidiary_id NUMBER 39 0 Subsidiary ID of the charges
time_source NUMBER 39 0 Time source of the charges
unit_id NUMBER 39 0 Unit ID of the charges

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
charges_billing_schedule_descriptions_fk billing_schedule_id Billing_schedule_descriptions billing_schedule_id 1