Inventory Count

Internal ID: inventorycount

Supports Custom Fields


Internal ID Type nlapiSubmitField Label Required Help
account select false Account true Choose an account to post inventory count variances to. This is generally an expense account.
class select false Class false If you track classes, optionally select one. Note that this Class field is distinct from the inventory classification used for calculated inventory counts.
createddate datetime false false
department select false Department false If you track departments, optionally select one.
externalid text false ExternalId false
lastmodifieddate datetime false false
location select false Location true Select a location to filter the list.
memo text true Memo false Optionally enter a memo for this transaction. Later you can search for this transaction using the text in this field.
status text false false
statusRef text false false
subsidiary select false Subsidiary true Select the subsidiary to associate with this inventory count.
trandate date false Date true Verify or select a date for this transaction.
tranid text false Ref No. false Optionally enter a reference number for this transaction.


item - Items

Internal ID Type Label Required Help
adjustedquantity float Adjusted Quantity false
binnumber select Bin false
countdetail summary Count Detail false
countquantity float Count Quantity false
item select Item true
memo text Memo false
rate currency2 Rate false
snapshotquantity float Snapshot Quantity false
units select Units false
viewadjustment text Variance Detail false
viewsnapshot text Snapshot Detail false


Name Label
history History
workflow Workflow

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