


categoryListLayout RecordRef 0..1 Category List Layout F Select a layout for the subcategories you place in this category. To create new layouts, go to <_TABNAME=LIST_STOREITEMLISTLAYOUT_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=LIST_STOREITEMLISTLAYOUT_> > Web Site Item/Category Layouts > New.
correlatedItemsListLayout RecordRef 0..1 Upsell Items List Layout F
description string 0..1 Brief Description F Enter a brief description for this category. You can enter text, numbers and basic HTML. This field holds 999 characters.
excludeFromSitemap boolean 0..1 Exclude from Sitemap F Check this box to exclude a tab, category or item page from the sitemap.
isInactive boolean 0..1 Inactive F Check this box to remove this record from all reference in your account and Web site. You can re-activate inactivated records at any time.
isOnline boolean 0..1 Display in Web Site F Check this box to display this category online in your Web site. If you use the Intranet feature and want this category published in your internal account as well, select who should see the category internally on the Audience subtab. To only publish this category internally, clear this box, and select who should see the category on the Audience subtab.
itemId string 0..1 Category T Enter a name for this category. This name appears in the Web site if you check the Display in Web Site box.
itemListLayout RecordRef 0..1 Item List Layout F Select a layout for the items you place in this category. To select a layout or create new layouts, go to <_TABNAME=LIST_SITEITEMTEMPLAT_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=LIST_SITEITEMTEMPLAT_> > Item/Category Templates.
metaTagHtml string 0..1 Meta Tag HTML F Enter meta information for the head element. Meta tags can help ensure your site will appear on search engine results pages.
pageTitle string 0..1 Page Title F Enter the text you want to appear as the page title of the browser window.
parentCategory RecordRef 0..1 Subcategory of T If this category is a subcategory, select the parent category from the list. If you are publishing a saved search, select the category where you want to publish your search results.
presentationItemList SiteCategoryPresentationItemList 0..1
relatedItemsListLayout RecordRef 0..1 Related Items List Layout F Select the list layout you want to use to display your lists of related items on this category. Set up list layouts at <_TABNAME=LIST_SITEITEMTEMPLAT_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=LIST_SITEITEMTEMPLAT_> > Item/Category Templates. Set up related items at <_TABNAME=LIST_RELATEDITEMS_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=LIST_RELATEDITEMS_> > Related Item Groups.
searchKeywords string 0..1 Search Keywords F Enter alternate search keywords that customers might use to find this category using your web store global search. These can include synonyms, acronyms, alternate languages or misspellings. These keywords are considered equally as important as the category name when searches are conducted.
sitemapPriority SitemapPriority 0..1 Sitemap Priority F Select a value in the Sitemap Priority list to designate the relative importance of this page to the rest of your Web site's URLs. You can select a priority ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 on item, category, and tab records. Note that NetSuite assigns the default priority &#x201c;Auto&#x201d; to all new and existing tab, category and item records in your account. You can select a different value in the Sitemap Priority list to override the default &#x201c;Auto&#x201d; priority. NetSuite uses the value you set when you generate the sitemap.
storeDetailedDescription string 0..1 Detailed Description F Enter a detailed description for this category. You can enter text, numbers and basic HTML code. This field holds 4,000 characters.
storeDisplayImage RecordRef 0..1 Image F Select a full-size image to appear with this category.
storeDisplayThumbnail RecordRef 0..1 Thumbnail F Select a thumbnail image to appear with this category.
translationsList SiteCategoryTranslationList 0..1
urlComponent string 0..1 URL Component F Enter a short, descriptive name for this category to appear as part of its URL in the Web store. Setting a name to show in the URL can result in better ranking from search engines. If you leave this field blank, NetSuite terms and numbers are used as identifiers in the URL.
website RecordRef 0..1 Site T


externalId string
internalId string

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