
Internal ID: task


Internal IDTypenlapiSubmitFieldLabelRequiredHelp
accesslevel checkbox false Private Task false Check this box so that only the creator of this task or person assigned this task can view the task. If you don't check this box, this task is considered public and can be viewed on all task lists.
actualtime time false Actual Time false The Actual Time field shows the total amount of time entered against this task.
assigned select true Assigned To true The task is assigned to the person who should complete the task. If you are creating or editing the task, select a person's name to assign the task to the person. When creating a task, your name appears by default in this field.
company select false Company false
contact select false Contact false
createddate datetime false false
customform select false Custom Form true Select the custom task form you want to use to continue entering this record. To use the default form, select Standard Task Form. To create a new custom task form, select New or click Customize Form.
duedate date true Due Date true Enter the projected date when this task needs to be complete.
enddate text false false This is the date the task should be completed. If you are entering or editing the task, type or pick the due date of the task. This date is included in the email to the assignee.
endtime timeofday false End Time true
endtimepicker select false false
estimatedtime time true Initial Time Budget false In the Initial Time Budget field, enter your first approximation of the amount of time this task will take. Later, you can increase or decrease your time estimate in the Current Time Budget field. By maintaining an initial time estimate in this field, you can compare your initial estimate to your altered estimate. If you entered a time estimate on a job task template, that amount shows here.
estimatedtimeoverride time true Current Time Budget false If your estimate of the time this task will take increases or decreases from your original estimate, enter the altered estimate in the Current Time Budget field.
externalid text false ExternalId false
group text false false
lastmodifieddate datetime false false
message textarea false false Enter any comments about this task. These comments appear in the e-mail sent to the person this task is assigned to.
milestone select false Milestone false Select the milestone you want to associate with this task.
owner text false Created By true This is the person who created this task. When someone creates a task, that person's name automatically appears in this field.
parent select false Parent Task false Select the parent task if this task is the subordinate of another. Note: By identifying this task as a subordinate, the parent task becomes a summary task. A summary task cannot have resources assigned to it because it does not track work, it only tracks information about subordinate tasks.
percentcomplete percent false Percent Complete false In the Percent Complete field, enter an estimate of how much of the total amount of work for this task is already completed. For example, if half the work toward completion is done, enter 50%. Note: The percentage you enter in this field overrides the auto-calculated figure in the Percent Time Complete field and is used for task calculations.
percenttimecomplete percent false Percent Time Complete false The system auto-calculates a value for the Percent Time Complete field, by dividing Actual Time by Current Time Budget (or by Initial Time Budget, if no Current Time Budget has been entered). This value indicates how much of the budgeted time for the task has been completed. You can override this value by entering a percentage value in the Percent Complete field.
priority select true Priority true This is how important the task is. Tasks with higher priorities should be worked on before tasks with lower priorities. * High - The task very important. Do before lower priorities. * Medium - The task is moderately important. Do after higher priorities and before lower priorities. * Low - The task is not important. Do after higher priorities.
reminderminutes select false Reminder false Select the amount of time before the start time for this task when you would like to set a reminder for the assignee. You must check the Block Out Time box to set a reminder. You must also select a reminder type to set the reminder.
remindertype select false Reminder Type false Select the type of reminder the assignee should receive before the start time of this task. You must check the Block Out Time box to set a reminder. Email reminders are sent to the email address on the employee record of the assignee. Popup reminders appear only if the assignee is logged in to his or her NetSuite account. You must also set a time in the Reminder field to set a reminder.
sendemail checkbox false Notify Assignee by Email false Check this box to send an email message to the person this task is assigned to. The person the task is assigned to also receives an e-mail message when this task is updated if the Send e-mail box is checked. If this person's record does not include an email address, no message will be sent.
startdate date true Start Date true This is the date the task should be started. If you are entering or editing the task, type or pick the start date of the task. This date is included in the e-mail to the assignee.
starttime timeofday false Start Time true
starttimepicker select false false
status select true Status true The status for the task can be Complete, In Progress or Not Started. * Complete – This task has been done. * In Progress – This task is being worked on. * Not Started – This task has not been started. When status changes, someone with permission to edit the record can change the status.
supportcase select false Support Case false If this task is related to a support case submitted by the customer, partner or vendor selected in the Company field, select the case number here. Selecting a case attaches this task record to the case record.
timedevent checkbox false Reserve Time false Check this box to schedule this task on the calendar of the person the task is assigned to. Enter the start and end times in the From and To fields. This time is scheduled on the calendar for the start date.
timeremaining time false Time Remaining false The Time Remaining field shows the estimated remaining amount of time for this task. Time remaining is calculated as follows: (Initial Time Budget - Actual Time) If you have entered a Current Time Budget to update your Initial Time Budget, then the time remaining for the task is calculated as: (Current Time Budget - Actual Time)
timezone text false false
title text true Title true Enter a name for this task. This name is the subject line of the e-mail sent to the assignee if you check the Send e-mail box. This title also appears to others if the Private Task box is not checked. The title shows on the Tasks list.
transaction select false Transaction false If this task is associated with a transaction, select that transaction here. If you select a transaction, this task is listed on the History subtab of the transaction.


timeitem - Time Tracking

Internal IDTypeLabelRequired
class select Class false
customer select Customer:Project false
department select Department false
employee select Employee true
hours timetrack Duration true
id integer false
isbillable checkbox Billable false
isexempt text false
isproductive text false
isutilized text false
item select Service Item false
jobbillingtype text false
location select Location true
memo textarea Memo false
overriderate checkbox Lock this Rate false
payrollitem select Payroll Item false
price select Price Level false
rate currency2 Rate false
timetype select Type false
trandate date Date true


communication Communication
contacts Contacts
custom Custom
history History
icalendar Availability
media File Cabinet
relatedinfo Related Info
time Time
workflow Workflow

Search Joins

Join IDJoin DescriptionActual Join Name
companycustomer Company (Customer) Customer
contact Contact Contact
employee Employee Employee
job Job Job

Search Filters

Internal IDTypeLabel
actualtime float Actual Work
assigned select Assigned To
company select Company
completeddate date Date Completed
contact select Contact
createddate datetime Date Created
enddate date Due date
estimatedtime float Initial Time Budget
estimatedtimeoverride float Current Time Budget
externalid select External ID
externalidstring text External ID (Text)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
internalid select Internal ID
internalidnumber integer Internal ID (Number)
isjobsummarytask checkbox Is Job Summary Task
isjobtask checkbox Is Job Task
isprivate checkbox Is Private
lastmodifieddate datetime Last Modified Date
milestone integer Milestone
owner select Created By
percentcomplete integer Percent Complete
percenttimecomplete integer Percent Time Complete
priority select Priority
startdate date Start date
status select Status
timeremaining float Remaining Work
title text Title

Search Columns

Internal IDTypeLabel
accesslevel text Private
actualtime float Actual Work
assigned select Assigned To
company select Company
completeddate date Date Completed
contact select Contact
createddate datetime Date Created
duedate date Due Date
estimatedtime float Initial Time Budget
estimatedtimeoverride float Current Time Budget
externalid select External ID
formulacurrency currency Formula (Currency)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formuladatetime datetime Formula (Date/Time)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulapercent percent Formula (Percent)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
internalid select Internal ID
isjobsummarytask checkbox Is Job Summary Task
isjobtask checkbox Is Job Task
lastmodifieddate datetime Last Modified
lastviewed datetime Last Viewed
markdone text Mark
message text Comment
milestone select Milestone
order integer Insert
owner select Created By
percentcomplete percent Pct Complete
percenttimecomplete percent Percent Time Complete
priority select Priority
startdate date Start Date
starttime timeofday Start Time
status select Status
timeremaining float Remaining Work
title text Task Title
transaction select Transaction