
Internal ID: subsidiary


Internal IDTypenlapiSubmitFieldLabelRequiredHelp
addr1 text false Address 1 false
addr2 text false Address 2 false
addr3 text false false
addressee text false Addressee false
addrphone phone false Phone false
addrtext address false Address false
attention text false Attention false
caseupdatetemplate select false Case Update false
checklayout select false Check Default Chart Type true Select the check layout you want to use when printing checks from this subsidiary.
city text false City false
country select false Country true Enter the country this subsidiary is located in.
currency select false Currency true Select the base currency used by this subsidiary. If you do not select a currency, the currency of the parent subsidiary is used.
edition text false Edition false This field displays the edition of NetSuite used by this subsidiary.
email text false Return Email Address false Enter the return email address for this subsidiary.
externalid text false ExternalId false
fax text false Fax false Enter the fax number for this subsidiary.
federalidnumber text false Employer Identification Number (EIN) false Enter the appropriate tax identification number for this subsidiary: * United States – Employee Identification Number (EIN) or Federal Identification Number (FIN) * Australia – Australian Business Number * United Kingdom – VAT Registration Number * All other locations – VAT Registration Number This number is required for all businesses with employees or acting as corporations or partnerships for tax purposes. If you think you need a tax identification number or do not know what your number is, contact the tax agency with jurisdiction over this subsidiary.
fiscalcalendar select false Fiscal Calendar true Select the calendar to roll up accounting periods. The fiscal calendar determines the start date for the accounting year.
heading0 text false Case Email Setup false
heading1 text false Customer Notification Templates false
heading2 text false Employee Notification Templates false
intercoaccount select false Intercompany Account false If the Intercompany Time and Expense feature is enabled in your account, an Intercompany Account is automatically associated with a subsidiary after qualifying transactions are created in the system, such as a journal to eliminate Time and Expense. This account is determined by the subsidiary’s base currency. It is used to offset the transfer of charges from intercompany time and expenses from this subsidiary to others.
iselimination checkbox false Elimination false Check this box if this subsidiary record is to be used only for journal entries and transactions between subsidiaries. When a loan, sale or inventory transfer is made between subsidiaries, you use an elimination subsidiary to balance your consolidated books. By entering a journal entry against the elimination subsidiary in the same amount as the inter-company transaction, you have both a record of the transactions and a correct balance.
isinactive checkbox false Subsidiary is Inactive false Check this box if this subsidiary is no longer active or used in your account. Inactivated subsidiaries no longer show in the Subsidiary field on records and transactions unless they are currently attached to a record. Web sites of inactive subsidiaries are no longer available online.
languagelocale select false Language true
legalname text false Legal Name false Enter the legal name of this subsidiary as it should appear on tax forms.
mainaddress summary false false
mossapplies checkbox false MOSS applies false
name text false Name true
override checkbox false Override false
parent select false Subsubsidiary of true Select this direct parent of this subsidiary. Selecting a parent subsidiary sets your company hierarchy, which is shown in the subsidiaries list.
purchaseorderamount posfloat false Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Amount Tolerance false Enter the tolerance limit for the discrepancy between the amount on the vendor bill and purchase order.
purchaseorderquantity posfloat false Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Quantity Tolerance false Enter the tolerance limit for the discrepancy between the quantity on the vendor bill and purchase order.
purchaseorderquantitydiff posfloat false Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Quantity Difference false Enter the difference limit for the discrepancy between the quantity on the vendor bill and purchase order.
receiptamount posfloat false Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Amount Tolerance false Enter the tolerance limit for the discrepancy between the amount on the vendor bill and item receipt.
receiptquantity posfloat false Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Quantity Tolerance false Enter the tolerance limit for the discrepancy between the quantity on the vendor bill and item receipt.
receiptquantitydiff posfloat false Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Quantity Difference false Enter the difference limit for the discrepancy between the quantity on the vendor bill and item receipt.
returnaddr address false Address false
returnaddress summary false false
returnaddress1 text false Address1 false
returnaddress2 text false Address2 false
returncity text false City false
returncountry select false Country false
returnstate text false County/State/Province false
returnzip text false Postal Code false
roundtime select false Round Time Entry Duration false
shipaddr address false Address false
shipaddress1 text false Address1 false
shipaddress2 text false Address2 false
shipcity text false City false
shipcountry select false Country false
shippingaddress summary false false
shipstate text false County/State/Province false
shipzip text false Postal Code false
showsubsidiaryname checkbox false Always Display Subsidiary Name false Check this box to display only the subsidiary name with your role in the upper right corner of a page. In addition, when logging in to an employee center, vendor center, or customer center, the dashboard displays only the logo of the subsidiary, not the company logo. Clear this box to display the parent and the subsidiary name in your account.
ssnortin text false SSN or TIN (Social Security Number, Tax ID Number) false If you are a United States citizen and are self-emloyed with no employees, enter your Social Security Number (SSN). If you are not a US citizen but have a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) issued by the IRS for the purposes of operating a business with no employees, enter your TIN. These numbers are used for tax purposes. If you think you need a SSN or TIN or do not know what your number is, contact the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS), or go to for more information.
state text false State/Province false Choose the state or province this subsidiary is located in.
taxfiscalcalendar select false Tax Fiscal Calendar true Select the calendar to roll up the tax periods. The tax fiscal calendar determines the start date for the tax year.
tranprefix text false Transaction Prefix false When you use auto-generated numbering with NetSuite OneWorld, you can make your document number sequences independent per subsidiary. Enter up to 8 alphanumeric characters in this field to number transactions with a prefix to signify this subsidiary. To set up auto-generated numbering, go to <_TABNAME=ADMI_NUMBERING_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=ADMI_NUMBERING_> > Auto-Generated Numbering. On the Document Numbers subtab, check the Use Subsidiary box next to each transaction to which this prefix should be applied.
url text false Web Site false Enter this subsidiary's Web Site address, or URL.
zip text false Zip false


accountingbookdetail - Currencies

Internal IDTypeLabelRequired
accountingbook select Secondary Book false
currency select Base Currency true


addressbook Address
history System Notes
nexustab Nexuses
preferencestab Preferences
returnsaddrtab Return Address
shippingaddrtab Shipping Address
translation Translation

Search Joins

Join IDJoin DescriptionActual Join Name
address Address Address
defaultadvancetoapplyaccount Default Advance to Apply Account Account
returnaddress Return Address Address
shippingaddress Shipping Address Address

Search Filters

Internal IDTypeLabel
accountingbook select Accounting Book
accountingbookcurrency select Accounting Book Currency
address textarea Address
city text City
country select Country
currency select Currency
email email Email
externalid select External ID
externalidstring text External ID (Text)
fax phone Fax
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
internalid select Internal ID
internalidnumber integer Internal ID (Number)
iselimination checkbox Elimination
isinactive checkbox Inactive
legalname text Legal Name
mossapplies checkbox MOSS Applies
name text Name
phone phone Phone
purchaseorderamount float Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Amount Tolerance
purchaseorderquantity float Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Quantity Tolerance
purchaseorderquantitydiff float Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Quantity Difference
receiptamount float Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Amount Tolerance
receiptquantity float Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Quantity Tolerance
receiptquantitydiff float Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Quantity Difference
state select State/Province
taxidnum text Tax ID
tranprefix text Transaction Prefix
url url Web Site
zip text Zip

Search Columns

Internal IDTypeLabel
accountingbook select Accounting Book
accountingbookcurrency select Accounting Book Currency
address1 text Address 1
address2 text Address 2
address3 text Address 3
anonymouscustomerinboundemail text Anonymous Customer - Inbound Email
anonymouscustomeronlineforms text Anonymous Customer - Online Forms
caseassignmenttemplate text Employee Notification Template - Case Assignment
caseautomaticclosuretemplate text Customer Notification Template - Automatic Case Closure
casecopyemployeetemplate text Employee Notification Template - Copy Employee
casecreationtemplate text Customer Notification Template - Case Creation
caseescalationtemplate text Employee Notification Template - Escalation
caseupdatetemplate text Customer Notification Template - Case Update
city text City
companynameforsupportmessages text Company Name for Support Messages
country select Country
currency select Currency
email email Email
employeecaseupdatetemplate text Employee Notification Template - Case Update
externalid select External ID
fax phone Fax
formulacurrency currency Formula (Currency)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formuladatetime datetime Formula (Date/Time)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulapercent percent Formula (Percent)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
internalid select Internal ID
iselimination checkbox Elimination
isinactive checkbox Inactive
legalname text Legal Name
mainsupportemailaddress email Main Support Email Address
mossapplies checkbox MOSS Applies
name text Name
namenohierarchy text Name (no hierarchy)
phone phone Phone
purchaseorderamount float Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Amount Tolerance
purchaseorderquantity float Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Quantity Tolerance
purchaseorderquantitydiff float Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Quantity Difference
receiptamount float Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Amount Tolerance
receiptquantity float Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Quantity Tolerance
receiptquantitydiff float Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Quantity Difference
state select State/Province
taxidnum text Tax ID
tranprefix text Transaction Prefix
url url Web Site
zip text Zip