Revenue Recognition Template

Internal ID: revrectemplate


Internal IDTypenlapiSubmitFieldLabelRequiredHelp
amortizationperiod integer false Recognition Period false This field sets the number of periods over which the schedule will amortize. For example, if you enter 12, then the schedule runs for 12 periods starting from the Rev Rec Start Date. If both the Rev Rec Start Date and Rev Rec End Date are entered, then those dates override the recognition period set on the template. Note: If either the Rev Rec Start Date or Rev Rec End Date field is empty, NetSuite populates either date based on the recognition period.
amortizationtype select false Type false Select the kind of template you are creating: * Standard – Select this type if you are able to enter a Method and Term Source for the template. * Variable – Select this type to use this template for percent-complete recognition. Variable templates are selected on item records and amortization amounts are determined by job completion amounts. Note: If you select Variable, you cannot set the following template fields: Recognition Method, Recognition Term Source, Recognition Period, Period Offset and Start Offset.
externalid text false ExternalId false
initialamount rate false Initial Amount false Enter a percentage or amount to be recognized in the first recognition period. The remaining amount is then recognized according to the set amortization method.
isinactive checkbox false Inactive false Check this box if you no longer want to use this template. Inactivated templates no longer appear in lists and cannot be used to create schedules. To view inactivated templates or to reactivate them, check the Show Inactives box on the Revenue Recognition Templates list.
ispublic checkbox false Public false
job select false Project false
name text false Name true Enter a name for this template. The name you enter here appears in the Revenue Recognition Template dropdown on item records.
periodoffset integer false Period Offset true Specify the number of periods to postpone the start of recognition for the entire schedule. For example, if your amortization terms are based on 30-day periods, enter a 2 in this field to wait 60 days before you begin recognizing revenue. This can be useful for services you sell that have a probationary or trial period. Setting a period offset does not change the number of periods in the schedule.
recogintervalsrc select false Term Source false The Recognition Term Source controls how the recognition period is determined. Select from the following: * Rev Rec Dates Specified on Transaction – sources the invoice or cash sale The revenue recognition period is determined by Rev Rec start and end dates entered on the invoice or cash sale. * Rev Rec Dates Specified on Sales Order – sources the sales order The revenue recognition period is determined by Rev Rec start and end dates entered on the sales order. Note: This choice appears only when you use the Sales Order feature. * Billing Schedule, Transaction Date on Sales Order – sources the transaction date of the sales order This term source creates a schedule to recognize revenue based on the sales order transaction date. NetSuite dates subsequent invoices based on the assigned billing schedule. * Billing Schedule, Rev Rec Date on Sales Order - sources the Rev Rec dates from the sales order. This term source creates a schedule to recognize revenue based on the sales order revenue recognition dates, not the transaction dates.
recurrencetype select false Method false Set the terms to post income from the net sales amount: 1. Straight-line, by even periods &#x2013; Amortizes income evenly for each period. Currency amounts are not prorated based on the number of days in any period. 2. Straight-line, prorate first & last period &#x2013; Amortizes equal amounts for periods other than the first and the final period, regardless of the number of days in each period. Amounts are prorated for the first period and the final period based on the number of days in each period. 3. Straight-line, using exact days &#x2013; Amortizes amounts individually for each period based on the number of days in each period. 4. Straight-line, prorate first & last period (period-rate) &#x2013; Determines the full number of periods in the schedule and allocates revenue based on the proportional period amount. 5. Custom &#x2013; Enables you to define amortization terms that can include uneven periods, amounts and multiple income accounts.</
revrecoffset integer false Start Offset true Specify the number of periods to postpone the start of the recognition for a schedule. Setting a period offset changes the number of periods in the schedule because it postpones the beginning, but does not change the final period of the schedule.
totalamount currency2 false Amount false


recurrence - Custom Recurrence Pattern

Internal IDTypeLabelRequired
incomeaccount select Account false
periodoffset integer Period Offset true
postingperiod text false
recamount rate Amount true


history System Notes
meta Recurrence

Search Filters

Internal IDTypeLabel
amormethod select Method
amorperiod integer Amortization Period
amorstartoffset integer Start Offset
amortermsrc select Term Source
amortype select Type
contraaccount select Contra Account
deferralaccount select Deferral Account
externalid select External ID
externalidstring text External ID (Text)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
internalid select Internal ID
internalidnumber integer Internal ID (Number)
isinactive checkbox Inactive
name text Name
periodoffset integer Period Offset
targetaccount select Target Account
useforeignamounts checkbox Use Transaction Currency

Search Columns

Internal IDTypeLabel
amorinactive text Inactive
amormethod text Method
amorperiod text Amortization Period
amorstartoffset text Start Offset
amortermsrc text Term Source
amortype text Type
contraaccount text Contra Account
deferralaccount text Deferral Account
externalid select External ID
formulacurrency currency Formula (Currency)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formuladatetime datetime Formula (Date/Time)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulapercent percent Formula (Percent)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
internalid select Internal ID
name text Name
periodoffset text Period Offset
targetaccount text Target Account
useforeignamounts checkbox Use Transaction Currency