Resource Allocation

Internal ID: resourceallocation


Internal IDTypenlapiSubmitFieldLabelRequiredHelp
allocationamount posfloat false Allocate true Enter the number of hours you want this resource allocated. Or, select Percent of Time in the dropdown and then enter the percentage you want this resource allocated over the selected time period. For example, a resource that typically works 8 hours a day for a 5 day work week is allocated 50% for two weeks would work on the project 4 hours per day for a total of 40 hours.
allocationresource select false Resource true Select a resource for this allocation. Only employees and vendors identified as project resources are available for resource allocations. Check the Project Resource box on the employee or vendor record to identify a project resource.
allocationtype select false Allocation Type true Select an allocation type. Hard – This allocation request is not flexible; the resource is committed to the dates and hours on this request. Soft – This allocation request is flexible; adjustments can be made to the date and hours if needed to accommodate other priorities.
allocationunit select false false This field displays how this allocation is requested. Hours – A specific number of hours distributed over the selected dates is requested. Percent of Time – A percentage of time distributed over the selected dates is requested. NetSuite calculates the number of hours based on the resources work calendar and the selected dates.
customform select false Custom Form true If you customized a resource allocations form, select it here.
enddate date false End Date true Select the date you want this allocation to end.
externalid text false ExternalId false
notes textarea false Notes false Enter any additional information about this allocation.
numberhours posfloat false Number of Hours false This field displays the number of hours requested in this allocation. If the allocation is requested using Percent of Time, NetSuite calculates the number of hours based on the requested percentage, selected dates, and the resource's work calendar.
percentoftime posfloat false Percentage of Time false This field displays the percentage of time requested by this allocation. If the allocation is requested using Number of Hours, NetSuite calculates the percentage based on the requested hours, selected dates, and the resource's work calendar.
project select false Customer:Project true Select the project this allocation applies to.
requestor select false Requested By false
startdate date false Start Date true Select the date you want this allocation to begin.

Search Joins

Join IDJoin DescriptionActual Join Name
customer Customer Customer
employee Resource - Employee Employee
job Project Job
user User Employee
vendor Resource - Vendor Vendor

Search Filters

Internal IDTypeLabel
allocationtype select Allocation Type
allocationunit select Allocate By
approvalstatus select Approval Status
customer select Customer
enddate date End Date
externalid select External ID
externalidstring text External ID (Text)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
internalid select Internal ID
internalidnumber integer Internal ID (Number)
nextapprover select Next Approver
notes text Notes
numberhours float Number of Hours
percentoftime percent Percentage of Time
project select Project
requestedby select Requested by
resource select Resource
startdate date Start Date

Search Columns

Internal IDTypeLabel
allocationtype select Allocation Type
allocationunit select Allocate By
approvalstatus select Approval Status
company select Project
customer select Customer
enddate date End Date
externalid select External ID
formulacurrency currency Formula (Currency)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formuladatetime datetime Formula (Date/Time)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulapercent percent Formula (Percent)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
id integer ID
internalid select Internal ID
nextapprover select Next Approver
notes text Notes
numberhours float Number of Hours
percentoftime percent Percentage of Time
requestedby select Requested By
resource select Resource
startdate date Start Date