Manufacturing Operation Task

Internal ID: manufacturingoperationtask


Internal IDTypenlapiSubmitFieldLabelRequiredHelp
actualruntime float false Actual Run Time (Min) false
actualsetuptime float false Actual Setup Time (Min) false
actualwork float false Actual Hours false
autocalculatelag checkbox false Auto-calculate Lag false Check the Auto-calculate Lag box if you want NetSuite to calculate lag times for operation tasks. For more information, click help and read Operations Overlap.
company select false Project true
completedquantity float false Completed Quantity false
constrainttype select false Type false
contact select false Contact false
customform select false Custom Form false Select the form to use with this work order. If you customized a sales order form, select it here, or click New to customize a new sales order form.
enddate date false End Date false In the Production End Date field, enter the date you expect to complete assembly production. This field defaults to show the transaction date plus lead time. Note: When you use Demand Planning, the assembly supply is based on the production end date. Using the Manufacturing Routing feature: When you use the Routing and Demand Planning features to generate supply work orders, the function of the Production Start Date field and Production End Date field depend on the selected scheduling method NetSuite uses to calculate production requirements. * Forward Scheduling When you use forward scheduling, you set a production start date and NetSuite calculates the time, materials, and resources required to complete all necessary operations to finish the task. The production end date is determined based on these calculations. When using the Forward Scheduling method, on work orders, the Production Start Date field is required and defaults to the current date. The Production End Date field is grayed out because it will be calculated. * Backward Scheduling When you use backward scheduling, you set the production end date, which is the date you need to have the completed items. Then, based on data from the associated routing, as well as the related work center calendar, NetSuite calculates the time, materials, and resources required to complete all necessary operations. The production start date is determined based on these calculations. When using the Backward Scheduling method, on work orders, the Production End Date field is required. The Production Start Date field is grayed out because it will be calculated. Note: This calculated start date may be a date in the past, prior to the current date. For more details, click Help and read Production Scheduling Methods Overview.
enddatebaseline datetime false End Date false
estimatedwork float false Estimated Hours false
estimatedworkbaseline float false Hours false
eventid integer false ID true
externalid text false ExternalId false
fxrate currency2 false Exchange Rate false
inputquantity float false Input Quantity false
laborresources integer false Labor Resources true
machineresources integer false Machine Resources true
manufacturingcosttemplate select false Manufacturing Cost Template true
manufacturingworkcenter select false Manufacturing Work Center true
message textarea false Comments false
operationsequence integer false Operation Sequence true
order select false Insert Before false
owner select false Owner false
percenttimecomplete percent false Percent Complete false
priority select false Priority false
remainingwork float false Remaining Hours false
runrate float false Run Rate (Min/Unit) true
setuptime float false Setup Time (Min) true
startdate date false Start Date false In the Production Start Date field, enter the date you expect to begin assembly production. This field defaults to show the transaction date. Note: When you use Demand Planning, the component demand is based on the production start date. Using the Manufacturing Routing feature: When you use the Routing and Demand Planning features to generate supply work orders, the function of the Production Start Date field and Production End Date field depend on the selected scheduling method NetSuite uses to calculate production requirements. * Forward Scheduling When you use forward scheduling, you set a production start date and NetSuite calculates the time, materials, and resources required to complete all necessary operations to finish the task. The production end date is determined based on these calculations. When using the Forward Scheduling method, on work orders, the Production Start Date field is required and defaults to the current date. The Production End Date field is grayed out because it will be calculated. * Backward Scheduling When you use backward scheduling, you set the production end date, which is the date you need to have the completed items. Then, based on data from the associated routing, as well as the related work center calendar, NetSuite calculates the time, materials, and resources required to complete all necessary operations. The production start date is determined based on these calculations. When using the Backward Scheduling method, on work orders, the Production End Date field is required. The Production Start Date field is grayed out because it will be calculated. Note: This calculated start date may be a date in the past, prior to the current date. For more details, click Help and read Production Scheduling Methods Overview.
startdatebaseline datetime false Start Date false
starttime timeofday false Start Time false
status select false Status false
title text false Operation Name true
workorder select false Work Order false


costdetail - Costs

Internal IDTypeLabelRequired
account integer false
costcategory select Cost Category true
fixedrate currency2 Fixed Rate false
id integer false
item select Item true
runrate currency2 Run Rate false

predecessor - Predecessors

Internal IDTypeLabelRequired
enddate datetime End Date false
lagamount integer Lag Amount false
lagtype select Lag Type false
lagunits text Lag Units false
startdate datetime Start Date false
task select Task true
type select Type true


assignees Assignees
communication Communication
costdetails Cost Details
custom Custom
messagetab Message
predecessors Predecessors
s_sysinfo System Information
workflow Workflow

Search Joins

Join IDJoin DescriptionActual Join Name
user User Employee

Search Filters

Internal IDTypeLabel
actualruntime float Actual Run Time
actualsetuptime float Actual Setup Time
completedquantity float Completed Quantity
enddate date End Date
estimatedwork float Estimated Work
externalid select External ID
externalidstring text External ID (Text)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
id integer ID
inputquantity float Input Quantity
internalid select Internal ID
internalidnumber integer Internal ID (Number)
laborresources integer Labor Resources
lagamount float Lag Amount
lagtype select Lag Type
lagunits text Lag Units
machineresources integer Machine Resources
manufacturingcosttemplate select Manufacturing Cost Template
manufacturingworkcenter select Manufacturing Work Center
name text Operation Name
order float Order
predecessor select Predecessor
remainingquantity float Remaining Quantity
runrate float Run Rate (Min/Unit)
runtime float Run Time (Min)
sequence integer Operation Sequence
setuptime float Setup Time (Min)
startdate date Start Date
status select Status
workorder select Work Order

Search Columns

Internal IDTypeLabel
actualruntime float Actual Run Time
actualsetuptime float Actual Setup Time
completedquantity float Completed Quantity
enddate date End Date
estimatedwork float Estimated Work
externalid select External ID
formulacurrency currency Formula (Currency)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formuladatetime datetime Formula (Date/Time)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulapercent percent Formula (Percent)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
id integer ID
inputquantity float Input Quantity
internalid select Internal ID
laborresources integer Labor Resources
lagamount float Lag Amount
lagtype text Lag Type
lagunits text Lag Units
machineresources integer Machine Resources
manufacturingcosttemplate select Manufacturing Cost Template
manufacturingworkcenter select Manufacturing Work Center
message text Notes
name text Operation Name
order float Order
predecessor select Predecessor
predecessortype text Predecessor Type
remainingquantity float Remaining Quantity
runrate float Run Rate (Min/Unit)
runtime float Run Time
sequence integer Operation Sequence
setuptime float Setup Time (Min)
startdate date Start Date
status select Status
workorder text Work Order