Entity Group

Internal ID: entitygroup


Internal IDTypenlapiSubmitFieldLabelRequiredHelp
comments textarea false Comments false Enter any notes or comments about the group here.
email email false Email false If this group has an address in your e-mail application, enter that address here. Clicking the address from the saved record opens your e-mail program to send a message to this group.
externalid text false ExternalId false
groupname text false Name true Enter the name of this group.
groupowner select false Owner true Select the owner of the group. You are selected as the owner by default. To allow only the owner to edit the group, check the Restrict Group Editing to Owner box.
grouptypename text false Type false
isfunctionalteam checkbox false Functional Team false Check this box to mark this group as a functional team. Functional teams can can be emailed copies of the issue from the Communication subtab on issue records. You may want to check this box for all product team groups and then create additional function team groups for other teams you want to email.
isinactive checkbox false Inactive false When you check this box, you can no longer view this group's shared calendar and invite this group to events. This group also no longer appears in the Groups list unless you check the Show Inactives box at the bottom of the page.
ismanufacturingworkcenter checkbox false Manufacturing Work Center false Check the Manufacturing Work Center box to enable this group to be used as a work center with routing records.
isprivate checkbox false Private false Check this box if you want only members of this group to be able to see the group's list of members.
isproductteam checkbox false Product Team false Check this box to mark this group as a product team. Product team groups can be selected in the Product Team field on issues. Product teams designate who is responsible for resolving an issue. Members of this team are emailed when an issue is first entered so that everyone is aware of the problem.
issalesrep checkbox false Sales Group false Check this box to mark this group a sales group. On sales orders and customer records, sales groups are listed in the Sales Rep field. When you assign a sales territory, sales groups are listed in the Sales Rep. field.
issuerole select false Issue Role false Select a role that corresponds to the role of this group’s members, and this group can be assigned to issues.
issupportrep checkbox false Support Group false Check this box to mark this group a support group. On case records, support groups are listed in the Assigned To field. When you assign a case territory, support groups are listed in the Support Rep. field.
laborresources integer false Labor Resources false Enter the number of labor resources associated with this work center.
machineresources integer false Machine Resources false Enter the number of machine resources associated with this work center.
restrictiongroup select false Restrict To false If you want to restrict the use of this group to members of a specific group, select that group from the drop down list. If you restrict the use of this group, then this group cannot be made private.
savedsearch select false Saved Search true Select the saved search that returns the members of this group. You can create new saved searches at Lists > Saved Searches > New.
subsidiary select false Subsidiary true
workcalendar select false Work Calendar false Select a work calendar to associate with this work center.


groupmembers - Group Members

Internal IDTypeLabelRequired
accesslevel select Access Level false
bouncedaddress text Bounced false
contribution percent Contribution % true
email email Email false
employeemember select Name true
inactive text Inactive false
isprimary checkbox Primary false
issalesrep text false
memberemail text Email false
membername text Name false
memberphone phone Phone false
phone phone Phone false
remove text Remove false
salesrole select Sales Role true
subscriptionstatus text Global Subscription Status false

Search Filters

Internal IDTypeLabel
email text Email
externalid select External ID
externalidstring text External ID (Text)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
groupname text Name
groupowner select Owner
grouptype select Type
internalid select Internal ID
internalidnumber integer Internal ID (Number)
isdynamic checkbox Dynamic
isinactive checkbox Inactive
ismanufacturingworkcenter checkbox Manufacturing Work Center
isprivate checkbox Private
laborresources integer Labor Resources
lastmodifieddate datetime Last Modified
machineresources integer Machine Resources
subsidiary select Subsidiary
workcalendar select Work Calendar

Search Columns

Internal IDTypeLabel
email email Email
externalid select External ID
formulacurrency currency Formula (Currency)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formuladatetime datetime Formula (Date/Time)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulapercent percent Formula (Percent)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
groupname text Name
grouptype text Type
internalid select Internal ID
isdynamic checkbox Dynamic
isinactive checkbox Inactive
ismanufacturingworkcenter checkbox Manufacturing Work Center
isprivate checkbox Private
laborresources integer Labor Resources
lastmodifieddate datetime Last Modified
machineresources integer Machine Resources
owner select Owner
savedsearch text Saved Search
size integer Size
subsidiary select Subsidiary
workcalendar select Work Calendar