
Internal ID: charge


Internal IDTypenlapiSubmitFieldLabelRequiredHelp
amount poscurrency false Amount true The charge amount is shown here. The charge amount is calculated as charge rate multiplied by charge quantity. You can manually override the charge amount.
billingaccount select false Billing Account false
billingitem select false Item false The service item associated with this charge is shown here. For project charges, the service item is used to group charges on invoices. The service item's price is only used to determine the rate if the charge rule used to generate the charge explicitly bases the charge rate on the service item.
billto select false Customer:Project true Choose the project or customer you are billing this charge to.
chargedate date false Date true This is the date this charge was generated or created.
chargetype select false Charge Type true This field shows the type of rule or process used to generate this charge.
class select false Class false The class associated with this charge is shown here.
createddate datetime false Date Created false This is the date this charge was created either manually or by a charge run.
currency select false Currency false The currency of this charge is shown here.
department select false Department false The department associated with this charge is shown here.
description text false Description false Enter a description of this charge.
invoice select false Invoice false If the sales order has been billed, the invoice is shown here. Charges that have been billed cannot be edited.
invoiceline text false Invoice Line false If this charge has been billed, the invoice line containing this charge is shown here.
location select false Location false The location associated with this charge is shown here.
projecttask select false Project Task false
quantity float false Quantity true The quantity for this charge is shown here. The quantity for a project charge is set to 1.
rate rate false Rate true The rate for this charge is shown here. The charge rates for project charges are determined by charge rules.
rule select false Charge Rule false If this is a project charge, the charge rule used to generate this charge is shown here.
runid text false Charge Run ID false
salesorder select false Sales Order false If this charge has been included on a sales order, the sales order is shown here.
salesorderline select false Sales Order Line false If this charge has been included on a sales order, the sales order line is shown here.
stage select false Charge Stage true Choose the status of this charge: * Ready - a charge must have this status in order to be billed. * Hold - a charge is given this status if it needs to be approved before it is billed or otherwise processed. * Processed - a charge with this status has been billed.
subscriptionline select false Subscription Line false
timerecord select false Time Entry false The project time record that is being charged by this transaction is shown here.
transaction select false Expense Source false
transactionline select false Expense Line false
use select false Charge Use false This field shows the kind of charge this record represents. Project charges uses include: * Actual - These are charges that can be billed when in the Ready stage. * Forecast - These charges represent predicted charge amounts over the entire project's life.


historytab System Notes
source Source

Search Joins

Join IDJoin DescriptionActual Join Name
invoice Invoice Transaction
job Job Job
salesorder Sales Order Transaction
transaction Transaction Transaction
user User Employee

Search Filters

Internal IDTypeLabel
amount currency Amount
billingaccount select Billing Account
billingitem select Billing Item
billto select Customer:Project
chargedate date Date
chargetype select Charge Type
class select Class
createddate date Date Created
currency select Currency
department select Department
externalid select External ID
externalidstring text External ID (Text)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
id integer Charge ID
location select Location
modifieddate date Date Modified
quantity float Quantity
rate currency Rate
rule select Charge Rule
runid text Charge Run ID
salesorder integer Sales Order
stage select Stage
subscriptionline select Subscription Line
use select Charge Use

Search Columns

Internal IDTypeLabel
amount currency Amount
billingaccount select Billing Account
billingitem select Billing Item
billto select Customer:Project
chargedate date Date
chargetype text Charge Type
class select Class
createddate date Date Created
currency select Currency
department select Department
description text Description
externalid select External ID
formulacurrency currency Formula (Currency)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formuladatetime datetime Formula (Date/Time)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulapercent percent Formula (Percent)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
id integer Charge ID
location select Location
modifieddate date Date Modified
quantity text Quantity
rate text Rate
rule select Charge Rule
runid text Charge Run ID
salesorder text Sales Order Id
stage text Charge Stage
subscriptionline select Subscription Line
use text Charge Use