
Internal ID: campaign


Internal IDTypenlapiSubmitFieldLabelRequiredHelp
audience select true Audience Description false Select the audience for this campaign. Tracking the target audience is useful for media marketing without a clear list of recipients. You can create new campaign audience records at <_TABNAME=EDIT_CAMPAIGNAUDIENCE_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=EDIT_CAMPAIGNAUDIENCE_> > Campaign Audiences > New.
autoname checkbox false Auto false
basecost currency false Base Cost false Enter the cost of this campaign apart from the cost of any specific campaign events. The base cost is added to the cost of individual campaign events to determine the total cost of the campaign.
campaignid identifieranycase false ID false The campaign ID is determined in one of the following ways: * If you use auto-generated numbers for campaigns, this ID is generated when you save the campaign. * If you do not use auto-generated numbers for campaigns, enter a campaign ID. Campaign IDs make it easier to identify campaigns on reports and lists.
category select true Category false Select the category this campaign belongs in. Campaign categories are used to group campaigns on reports and lists. You can create new campaign categories at <_TABNAME=EDIT_CAMPAIGNCATEGORY_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=EDIT_CAMPAIGNCATEGORY_> > Campaign Categories > New.
convcostpercustomer currency false Cost per Purchaser false The cost per customer conversion for this campaign is calculated here. This is calculated by dividing the cost of the campaign by the number of transactions entered with this campaign's promotion code.
conversions integer false Number of Purchasers false This is the number of leads or prospects that have become customers as a result of this campaign.
cost currency false Total Cost false
costpercustomer currency false Cost per Lead false The cost per new customer for this campaign is calculated here. Cost per customer is calculated by dividing the total cost of the campaign by the number of new customers your business gained as a result of this campaign. The number of new customers is calculated by counting the transactions entered with this campaign's promotion code.
customform select false Custom Form false Select the campaign form you want to use. To create a custom campaign form, go to <_TABNAME=LIST_CUSTENTRYFORM_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=LIST_CUSTENTRYFORM_> > Entry Forms or select &#x2013;New&#x2013;.
enddate date false End Date false Enter or select the date this campaign ends.
eventnumber text false false
expectedrevenue currency true Expected Revenue false Enter the amount of revenue that is predicted that this marketing campaign will generate.
externalid text false ExternalId false
family select true Family false Select the family of keywords this campaign keyword is a part of. Keyword families are larger groupings of paid keywords. You can create a keyword family at <_TABNAME=EDIT_CAMPAIGNFAMILY_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=EDIT_CAMPAIGNFAMILY_> > Campaign Families > New.
isinactive checkbox false Inactive false Check this box to inactivate this campaign.
item select false Item false
keyword text true Keyword false Enter the paid keyword you are tracking with this campaign.
leadsgenerated integer false Leads Generated false This is the number of new leads generated by this campaign.
message textarea true Description false Enter a description for this campaign. This description only appears on the campaign record.
offer select true Offer false Select an offer you want to associate with this campaign. You can create new campaign offers at <_TABNAME=EDIT_CAMPAIGNOFFER_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=EDIT_CAMPAIGNOFFER_> > Offers > New.
owner select true Manager true Select the campaign manager for his campaign. The campaign manager receives a notification email message when a campaign event is delivered successfully.
profit currency false Profit false This is the profit earned by this campaign. Profit is calculated by deducting the cost of the campaign from the total revenue.
promotioncode select false Promotion Code false Select a promotion code that you want to associate with this campaign. You must instruct the recipients of your marketing message to enter this code on transactions in your Web store. Promotion codes allow you to offer discounts through your campaigns. You can create new promotion codes at <_TABNAME=EDIT_REFERRALCODE_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=EDIT_REFERRALCODE_> > Promotion Codes > New.
roi percent false Return on Investment false The return on investment of this campaign is calculated here. Return on investment is calculated by deducting the cost of the campaign from the total revenue generated and dividing the difference by the campaign's cost.
searchengine select true Search Engine false Select the search engine you purchased this keyword from. You can create new search engine records at <_TABNAME=EDIT_CAMPAIGNSEARCHENGINE_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=EDIT_CAMPAIGNSEARCHENGINE_> > Campaign Search Engines > New.
startdate date false Start Date true Enter or select the date this campaign begins.
title text true Title true Enter a title for this campaign. You can enter up to 99 characters in this field.
totalrevenue currency false Total Revenue false This field shows the total sales of transactions associated with this campaign.
uniquevisitors integer false Unique Visitors false This is the number of unique visitors that have visited your website as a result of this campaign.
url url true URL false Enter the URL for the campaign landing page or online customer form associated with this campaign. If you enter a campaign ID or if you autonumber your campaigns, NetSuite automatically appends the URL to include the leadsource parameter. This is the destination URL you provide to search engine services for paid keywords.
vertical select true Vertical false Select the market vertical you are targeting with this campaign. You can create new verticals at <_TABNAME=EDIT_CAMPAIGNVERTICAL_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=EDIT_CAMPAIGNVERTICAL_> > Campaign Verticals > New.


campaigndirectmail - Direct Mail

Internal IDTypeLabelRequired
campaigngroup select Target Group false
channel select Channel true
cost currency Cost false
datescheduled date Date false
description text Title true
internalid integer false
promocode select Promotion false
status select Status false
subscription select Subscription false
template select Template false

campaigndrip - Lead Nurturing

Internal IDTypeLabelRequired
channel select Channel true
cost currency Cost false
description text Title true
internalid integer false
promocode select Promotion false
subscription select Subscription true
template select Template true

campaignemail - E-mail

Internal IDTypeLabelRequired
campaigngroup select Target Group true
channel select Channel true
cost currency Cost false
datescheduled date Date true
description text Title true
internalid integer false
promocode select Promotion false
status select Status false
subscription select Subscription true
template select Template true
testcell select Test Cell false
timescheduled timeofday Time false

campaignevent - Other Events

Internal IDTypeLabelRequired
campaigngroup select Target Group false
channel select Channel true
cost currency Cost false
datescheduled date Date false
description text Title true
internalid integer false
promocode select Promotion false
status select Status false
subscription select Subscription false


communication Communication
custom Custom
events Scheduled Events
history History
keyword Keyword
media File Cabinet
relatedinfo Related Info
statistics Statistics
workflow Workflow

Search Joins

Join IDJoin DescriptionActual Join Name
messages Messages Message

Search Filters

Internal IDTypeLabel
audience select Audience Description
basecost currency Cost
campaigneventtype select Campaign Event Type
campaignid text Campaign ID
category select Category
channel select Channel
cost currency Total Cost
createddate datetime Date Created
enddate date End Date
event text Campaign Event
expectedrevenue currency Expected Revenue
externalid select External ID
externalidstring text External ID (Text)
family select Family
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
group select Group
internalid select Internal ID
internalidnumber integer Internal ID (Number)
isinactive checkbox Inactive
issalescampaign checkbox Is Sales Campaign
item select Item
keyword text Keyword
lastmodifieddate datetime Date Last Modified
manager select Campaign Manager
managerrole select Campaign Manager Role
number integer Number
offer select Offer
promocode select Promotion
recipient select Recipient
response select Response Detail
responsecategory select Response
responsecode integer Response Code
responsecomments text Response Comments
responsedate date Response Date
scheduledate date Schedule Date
searchengine select Search Engine
startdate date Start Date
status select Status
subscription select Subscription
template select Campaign Templates
title text Title
vertical select Vertical

Search Columns

Internal IDTypeLabel
audience select Audience Description
basecost currency Base Cost
campaignid text Campaign ID
category select Category
channel select Channel
cost currency Total Cost
createddate datetime Date Created
enddate date End Date
event text Event
executeddate datetime Executed on
expectedrevenue currency Expected Revenue
externalid select External ID
family select Family
formulacurrency currency Formula (Currency)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formuladatetime datetime Formula (Date/Time)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulapercent percent Formula (Percent)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
internalid select Internal ID
isinactive checkbox Inactive
issalescampaign checkbox Is Sales Campaign
item select Item
keyword text Keyword
lastmodifieddate datetime Last Modified
lastviewed datetime Last Viewed
managerrole select Manager Role
message text Description
offer select Offer
owner select Manager
promocode text Promotion
recipient select Recipient
response select Response Detail
responsecategory select Response
responsecode integer Response Code
responsedate datetime Response Date
responsenotes textarea Response Notes
revenue currency Revenue
roi percent ROI
scheduleddate datetime Scheduled on
searchengine select Search Engine
startdate date Start Date
status select Status
subscription select Subscription
title text Title
url text URL
vertical select Vertical