


actualWork double 0..1 Actual Time F
assigneeList ProjectTaskAssigneeList 0..1
company RecordRef 0..1 Project T Indicates the customer and project that this task belongs to. All project tasks must be created in the context of a project and cannot be moved from one project to another.
constraintType ProjectTaskConstraintType 0..1 Type F
contact RecordRef 0..1 Contact F Select a contact for this task.
customFieldList CustomFieldList 0..1
customForm RecordRef 0..1 Custom Form T
endDate dateTime 0..1 End Date F
endDateBaseline dateTime 0..1 End Date F
estimatedWork double 0..1 Hours F
estimatedWorkBaseline double 0..1 Hours F
eventId RecordRef 0..1 ID F
finishByDate dateTime 0..1 Finish No Later Than F
isMilestone boolean 0..1
isOnCriticalPath string 0..1
lateEnd dateTime 0..1
lateStart dateTime 0..1
message string 0..1 Comments F Enter any comments for the task.
nonBillableTask boolean 0..1 Non-billable F
order RecordRef 0..1 Insert Before F To place the new task in the proper order in the schedule, select the task that follows it.
owner RecordRef 0..1 Owner F The name of the employee who created this task.
parent RecordRef 0..1 Parent F Select a parent task if the task you are creating is part of a group of tasks. The parent task summarizes data for all of its subordinate tasks. You cannot assign resources to a parent task.
percentTimeComplete double 0..1 Percent Complete F
predecessorList ProjectTaskPredecessorList 0..1
priority RecordRef 0..1 Priority F Indicate how important the task is. Tasks with higher priorities should be worked on before tasks with lower priorities. Task priority does not affect the project schedule.
remainingWork double 0..1 Time Remaining F
slackMinutes double 0..1
startDate dateTime 0..1 Start Date F
startDateBaseline dateTime 0..1 Start Date F
status ProjectTaskStatus 0..1 Status T The status for a task can be: Completed - task has been finished In Progress - task is being worked on Not Started - task has not been started You must have permission to edit a task record to change the status.
timeItemList ProjectTaskTimeItemList 0..1
title string 0..1 Title T Enter a name for the project task.


externalId string
internalId string

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