


accessRole RecordRef 0..1 Role F
accountNumber string 0..1 Account F
addressbookList CustomerAddressbookList 0..1
aging double 0..1 The overdue A/R balance is shown here with the balance totals for each aging period.
altEmail string 0..1 Alt. Email F
altName string 0..1
altPhone string 0..1 Alt. Phone T
balance double 0..1 Balance F Customer's current accounts receivable balance. This field is returned in an advanced search only. It is not returned when using the CustomerSearchBasic search object. Note that in your advanced search you must set the BodyFieldsOnly flag to false. This field is a read-only field. NetSuite converts the balance of all transactions in foreign currencies to your preferred currency using the exchange rate for the current date.
billPay boolean 0..1 Enable Online Bill Pay F
buyingReason RecordRef 0..1 Buying Reason{:The reason a customer is considering a prospective deal} F
buyingTimeFrame RecordRef 0..1 Buying Time Frame{:The time frame for a prospective deal} F
campaignCategory RecordRef 0..1 Campaign Category F
category RecordRef 0..1 Category F References a value in a user defined list at Setup > Acco...
clickStream string 0..1 Click-Stream (1st Visit) F
comments string 0..1 Comments F Enter any other information you wish to track for this customer.
companyName string 0..1 Company Name F
consolAging double 0..1
consolBalance double 0..1 Consolidated F
consolDaysOverdue long 0..1
consolDepositBalance double 0..1 Consolidated F
consolOverdueBalance double 0..1 Consolidated F
consolUnbilledOrders double 0..1 Consolidated F
contactRolesList ContactAccessRolesList 0..1
contribPct string 0..1
creditCardsList CustomerCreditCardsList 0..1
creditHoldOverride CustomerCreditHoldOverride 0..1 Hold F
creditLimit double 0..1 Credit Limit F
currency RecordRef 0..1 Currency T References a value in a user-defined list at Lists > Acco...
currencyList CustomerCurrencyList 0..1
customFieldList CustomFieldList 0..1
customForm RecordRef 0..1 Custom Form T
dateCreated dateTime 0..1 Date Created F
daysOverdue long 0..1 Days F
defaultAddress string 0..1 Address F
defaultOrderPriority double 0..1 Default Order Priority F
depositBalance double 0..1 Deposit Balance F
displaySymbol string 0..1 Currency Symbol F
downloadList CustomerDownloadList 0..1
drAccount RecordRef 0..1 Deferred Revenue Reclassification Account F
email string 0..1 {1} Email F
emailPreference EmailPreference 0..1 Email Preference F
emailTransactions boolean 0..1 Email
endDate dateTime 0..1 End Date F
entityId string 0..1
entityStatus RecordRef 0..1 Status T
estimatedBudget double 0..1 Estimated Budget{:The estimated budget for a prospective deal} F
fax string 0..1 Fax F Sets the fax number for the customer.
faxTransactions boolean 0..1 Fax
firstName string 0..1 First Name F
firstVisit dateTime 0..1 First Visit F
fxAccount RecordRef 0..1 Foreign Currency Adjustment Revenue Account F
giveAccess boolean 0..1 Login Access F
globalSubscriptionStatus GlobalSubscriptionStatus 0..1 Global Subscription Status
groupPricingList CustomerGroupPricingList 0..1
homePhone string 0..1 Home Phone F
image RecordRef 0..1 Image F References an image file that has already been uploaded t...
isBudgetApproved boolean 0..1 Budget Approved{:Whether there is an approved budget for a prospective deal} F
isInactive boolean 0..1
isPerson boolean 0..1 Company F
itemPricingList CustomerItemPricingList 0..1
keywords string 0..1 Search Engine Keywords (1st Visit) F This is a read-only field that returns the search engine ...
language Language 0..1 Language F References a value in the Language system list.
lastModifiedDate dateTime 0..1 Last Modified Date F
lastName string 0..1 Last Name F
lastPageVisited string 0..1 Last Page Visited F
lastVisit dateTime 0..1 Last Visit F
leadSource RecordRef 0..1 Lead Source F
middleName string 0..1
mobilePhone string 0..1 Mobile Phone F
monthlyClosing CustomerMonthlyClosing 0..1 Closing Date F
negativeNumberFormat CustomerNegativeNumberFormat 0..1 Negative Number Format F
numberFormat CustomerNumberFormat 0..1 Number Format F
openingBalance double 0..1 Opening Balance F
openingBalanceAccount RecordRef 0..1 {1} Account F
openingBalanceDate dateTime 0..1 {1} Date F
overdueBalance double 0..1 Overdue F
overrideCurrencyFormat boolean 0..1 Override Currency Format{:override default currency format} F
parent RecordRef 0..1 Child Of F If this customer is subcustomer of another customer or a smaller entity of another customer, select the larger parent customer here. If you select a parent customer in this field, this record will show indented under the parent customer in the Customers list.
partner RecordRef 0..1 Partner F References a partner record. This value sets the partner responsible for referring this customer. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation. For more information, see getSelectValue of the Platform Guide.
partnersList CustomerPartnersList 0..1
password string 0..1 Password F Sets the password assigned to allow this customer access to NetSuite. As of Version 2014 Release 1, the password must be at least 6 characters long. See the topic NetSuite Password Requirements in the NetSuite Help Center for more information.
password2 string 0..1 Confirm Password F Sets the password confirmation field.
phone string 0..1 Phone T
phoneticName string 0..1 Furigana
prefCCProcessor RecordRef 0..1 Preferred Credit Card Processor F
priceLevel RecordRef 0..1 Price Level F
printOnCheckAs string 0..1 Print As F
printTransactions boolean 0..1 Print
receivablesAccount RecordRef 0..1 Default Receivables Account F
referrer string 0..1 Referrer (1st Visit F Read-only field that returns the site that referred the customer to the NetSuite account website.
reminderDays long 0..1 Reminder Days F
representingSubsidiary RecordRef 0..1
requirePwdChange boolean 0..1 Require Password Change On Next Login F
resaleNumber string 0..1 Resale Number F
salesGroup RecordRef 0..1 Choose Team F
salesReadiness RecordRef 0..1 Sales Readiness{:How ready a customer is to buy a prospective deal} F
salesRep RecordRef 0..1 Sales Rep F
salesTeamList CustomerSalesTeamList 0..1
salutation string 0..1 Mr./Ms... F Enter the title of this person, such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Rev., etc.
sendEmail boolean 0..1 Send Notification Email F
shipComplete boolean 0..1 Ship Complete F
shippingItem RecordRef 0..1 Shipping Item F
stage CustomerStage 0..1 This is a read only field that references a value in a system list. Possible values include LEAD, PROSPECT or CUSTOMER. This value refers to the stage of customer that is being created and are the values that should be submitted as the internal ID values when performing a search. NetSuite automatically updates the customer stage when certain customer status (entityStatus field) changes occur. For more information, see the section Understanding Customer Stages in the SuiteTalk (Web Services) Records Guide.
startDate dateTime 0..1 Start Date F
subscriptionsList SubscriptionsList 0..1
subsidiary RecordRef 0..1 Select the subsidiary to associate with this entity or job. You cannot enter transactions for this entity or job unless a subsidiary is assigned. If you select this entity on a transaction, the transaction is associated with this subsidiary. The entity is able to access only information associated with this subsidiary. Note: Once a transaction has posted for the entity or job, you are not able to change the subsidiary selected on the entity or job record.
symbolPlacement CurrencySymbolPlacement 0..1 Symbol Placement{:where to put the currency symbol, i.e. before or after number} F
syncPartnerTeams boolean 0..1
taxable boolean 0..1 Taxable F True indicates that this customer pays sales tax according to the rate defined in the tax Item field. False indicates that this customer does not pay sales tax, but only if Tax Item field is empty.
taxExempt boolean 0..1 PST Exempt F
taxItem RecordRef 0..1 Tax Code F
terms RecordRef 0..1 Terms F References a value in a user-defined list at Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Accounting Lists > Term. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation. For more information, see getSelectValue of the Platform Guide.
territory RecordRef 0..1 Territory F References a value in a user-defined list at Setup > Sales > Sales Management > Sales Territories. This value sets the sales territory this customer belongs in. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation. For more information, see getSelectValue of the Platform Guide.
thirdPartyAcct string 0..1
thirdPartyCountry Country 0..1
thirdPartyZipcode string 0..1
title string 0..1 Job Title F Enter the job title for this person's position at his or her company.
unbilledOrders double 0..1 Unbilled Orders F
url string 0..1 URL F Sets the URL associated with the customer.
vatRegNumber string 0..1 VAT Registration Number F
visits long 0..1 Number of Visits F This field displays the total number of visits this customer has made to your Web site. A new visit is counted after the customer leaves your site and returns.
webLead string 0..1 Web Lead F


externalId string
internalId string

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