


audience RecordRef 0..1 Audience F Select the audience for this campaign. Tracking the target audience is useful for media marketing without a clear list of recipients. You can create new campaign audience records at <_TABNAME=EDIT_CAMPAIGNAUDIENCE_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=EDIT_CAMPAIGNAUDIENCE_> > Campaign Audiences > New.
baseCost double 0..1 Cost F
campaignDirectMailList CampaignDirectMailList 0..1
campaignEmailList CampaignEmailList 0..1
campaignEventList CampaignEventList 0..1
campaignId string 0..1 ID F
category RecordRef 0..1 Category F Select the category this campaign belongs in. Campaign categories are used to group campaigns on reports and lists. You can create new campaign categories at <_TABNAME=EDIT_CAMPAIGNCATEGORY_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=EDIT_CAMPAIGNCATEGORY_> > Campaign Categories > New.
convCostPerCustomer double 0..1 Cost per Purchaser F
conversions long 0..1 Number of Purchasers F This is the number of leads or prospects that have become customers as a result of this campaign.
cost double 0..1 Total Cost F
costPerCustomer double 0..1 Cost Per Lead F
customFieldList CustomFieldList 0..1
customForm RecordRef 0..1 Custom Form F
endDate dateTime 0..1 End Date F
eventResponseList CampaignEventResponseList 0..1
expectedRevenue double 0..1 Projected Income F
family RecordRef 0..1 Family F Select the family of keywords this campaign keyword is a part of. Keyword families are larger groupings of paid keywords. You can create a keyword family at <_TABNAME=EDIT_CAMPAIGNFAMILY_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=EDIT_CAMPAIGNFAMILY_> > Campaign Families > New.
isInactive boolean 0..1 Inactive F
itemList RecordRefList 0..1
keyword string 0..1 Keyword F Enter the paid keyword you are tracking with this campaign.
leadsGenerated long 0..1 Leads Generated F
local boolean 0..1
message string 0..1 Description F Enter a description for this campaign. This description only appears on the campaign record.
offer RecordRef 0..1 Offer F Select an offer you want to associate with this campaign. You can create new campaign offers at <_TABNAME=EDIT_CAMPAIGNOFFER_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=EDIT_CAMPAIGNOFFER_> > Offers > New.
owner RecordRef 0..1 Campaign Manager T Select the campaign manager for his campaign. The campaign manager receives a notification email message when a campaign event is delivered successfully.
profit double 0..1 Profit F This is the profit earned by this campaign. Profit is calculated by deducting the cost of the campaign from the total revenue.
promotionCode RecordRef 0..1
roi double 0..1 Return on Investment F The return on investment of this campaign is calculated here. Return on investment is calculated by deducting the cost of the campaign from the total revenue generated and dividing the difference by the campaign's cost.
searchEngine RecordRef 0..1 Search Engine F
startDate dateTime 0..1 Start Date T
title string 0..1 Title T Enter a title for this campaign. You can enter up to 99 characters in this field.
totalRevenue double 0..1 Revenue F
uniqueVisitors long 0..1 Unique Visitors F
url string 0..1 URL F Enter the URL for the campaign landing page or online customer form associated with this campaign. If you enter a campaign ID or if you autonumber your campaigns, NetSuite automatically appends the URL to include the leadsource parameter. This is the destination URL you provide to search engine services for paid keywords.
vertical RecordRef 0..1 Vertical F Select the market vertical you are targeting with this campaign. You can create new verticals at <_TABNAME=EDIT_CAMPAIGNVERTICAL_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=EDIT_CAMPAIGNVERTICAL_> > Campaign Verticals > New.


externalId string
internalId string

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