
Internal ID: account


Internal IDTypenlapiSubmitFieldLabelRequiredHelp
acctname text false Name true
acctnumber text false Number true
accttype select false Type true
accttype2 text false Type false
billableexpensesacct select false Track Billable Expenses in false
cashflowrate select false Cash Flow Rate Type false
category1099misc select false 1099-MISC Category false In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation. For more information, see getSelectValue of the Platform Guide.
class select false Restrict To Class false Sets the class to restrict use of this account to roles with permission to access it. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation. For more information, see getSelectValue of the Platform Guide.
currency select false Currency false Sets the currency for the funds in this account. Can only be set on Add. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation. For more information, see getSelectValue of the Platform Guide.
deferralacct select false Deferral Account false
department select false Restrict To Department false Sets the department to restrict use of this account to roles with permission to access it. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation. For more information, see getSelectValue of the Platform Guide.
description text false Description false Enter a description for this account.
eliminate checkbox false Eliminate Intercompany Transactions false Indicates this is an intercompany account used only to record transactions between subsidiaries. Amounts posted to intercompany accounts are eliminated when you run the intercompany elimination process at the end of an accounting period.
externalid text false ExternalId false
generalrate select false General Rate Type false
includechildren checkbox false Include Children false
inventory checkbox false Inventory false If TRUE, the account balance is included in the Inventory KPI. It cannot be modified on certain system-generated OCAsset accounts.
isinactive checkbox false Inactive false
location select false Restrict To Location false Sets the location to restrict use of this account to roles with permission to access it. In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation. For more information, see getSelectValue of the Platform Guide.
openingbalance text false false
parent select false Subaccount of false In order to retrieve a list of available values for this field, use the GetSelectValue operation. For more information, see getSelectValue of the Platform Guide.
revalue checkbox false Revalue Open Balance for Foreign Currency Transactions false Indicates whether this account can be selected for open balance currency revaluation.
subsidiary select false Subsidiaries true
trandate date false Date false
unit select false Default Unit true This field displays the base unit assigned to the Unit Type. The default unit cannot be changed.
unitstype select false Unit Type false


history System Notes
translation Translation

Search Filters

Internal IDTypeLabel
balance currency Balance
cashflowratetype select Cash Flow Rate Type
category1099misc select 1099-MISC Category
description text Description
externalid select External ID
externalidstring text External ID (Text)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
generalratetype select General Rate Type
internalid select Internal ID
internalidnumber integer Internal ID (Number)
isinactive checkbox Inactive
name text Name
number text Number
parent select Sub-Account Of
subsidiary select Subsidiary
type select Type

Search Columns

Internal IDTypeLabel
balance currency Balance
cashflowratetype select Cash Flow Rate Type
category1099misc select 1099-MISC Category
description text Description
externalid select External ID
formulacurrency currency Formula (Currency)
formuladate date Formula (Date)
formuladatetime datetime Formula (Date/Time)
formulanumeric float Formula (Numeric)
formulapercent percent Formula (Percent)
formulatext text Formula (Text)
generalratetype select General Rate Type
internalid select Internal ID
isinactive checkbox Inactive
name text Name
number text Number
subsidiary select Subsidiary
subsidiarynohierarchy select Subsidiary (no hierarchy)
type select Account Type