new <abstract> SCFormView( formModel )


SCFormView is an abstract class that provides functions to validate form data, save form data, and display error messages related to form input.

To use SCFormView, you must create a child class by extending it. In the child class object, call the parent class constructor with call() or apply(). SCFormView expects a model instance to be passed to it. When the form is saved, the model associated with the form is updated accordingly, provided it passes all validations.

The model passed to SCFormView must be an instance of SCModel. SCModel is responsible for the validation of model data (for example, all required fields have values, or a phone number field contains a phone number). You can use the getFormValues() method of SCFormView, however, to perform type checking of field data - before the data is handed off to and validated by the model.

Note that whenever the value of a form field changes (usually triggered by a blur event), SCFormView sets the corresponding attribute on the model, at which time the model validates the data.

The following example shows how to use SCFormView. Since SCFormView is an abstract class, we must override it with a child class. In our child class, called 'NewsletterView', one of the first things we do is to call the parent class and pass in the model instance. SCFormView has abstract methods that must also be overridden. getEvents, getFormValues, and getFormFieldValue are all abstract methods, and are therefore overridden.


				['SCFormView', 'newsletter.tpl', 'Newsletter.Model', ''], 
			 function(FormViewModule, newsletter_tpl, NewsletterModelModule) {
					var SCFormView = FormViewModule.SCFormView;
					var NewsletterModel = NewsletterModelModule.NewsletterModel;
					// Constructor
			     function NewsletterView () {
						// We must pass in a model instance to the parent constructor.
		, new NewsletterModel());
			         this.template = newsletter_tpl;
			     // Copy parent instance methods.
			     NewsletterView.prototype = Object.create(SCFormView.prototype);
			     // Restore the constructor.
			     NewsletterView.prototype.constructor = NewsletterView;
			     // Set all the instance methods.   
					NewsletterView.prototype.getEvents = function() {
						return {
							'submit form': 'saveForm',
							'blur [name="email"]': 'onFormFieldChange'
					NewsletterView.prototype.saveForm = function(e) {
						promise =, e);
						if (promise) {
							.fail((jqXhr) => {
								// Do something with the error code.	 
								jqXhr.preventDefault = true;
								const errorCode =
									jqXhr &&
									jqXhr.responseJSON &&
									jqXhr.responseJSON.errorCode && jqXhr.responseJSON.errorCode;					
							.done(() => {
								// Do something when the formModel is saved successfully.
							.always(() => {
								// Do something always.
						return promise;
					NewsletterView.prototype.getFormValues = function($savingForm) {
						formValues = $savingForm.serializeObject();
						if ( && typeof === 'string') {
							return {
						return {
							errorCode: 'FormValidation',
							errors: {
								email: 'Enter a valid email address.'
					NewsletterView.prototype.getFormFieldValue = function(changedInput) {
						newVal = changedInput.val();
						fieldName = changedInput.attr('name');
						if (fieldName === 'email' && typeof newVal === 'string') {
							return {
								name: fieldName,
								value: newVal
						return {
							name: fieldName || '',
							error: 'Please provide a valid email'
					NewsletterView.prototype.getContext = function(){
						return {
							model: this.formModel
					// Return the AMD constructor.
					return NewsletterView;

Note: The SCFormView class contains a number of private properties (listed below) that you should not override or use (do not get or set the values of private properties).

In addition to creating the view file above with your SCFormView child class object, you must also ensure that the templates in your extension contain the appropriate placeholders to display form field error messsages. The following example shows a form with one field to enter an email address. Error messages will be displayed in elements with the data attribute data-validation="control". The parent element should have the data attribute data-validation="control-group".


			<form class="newsletter-suscription-form" data-action="newsletter-subscribe" novalidate>
				<div data-validation="control-group">
					<h5 class="newsletter-subscription-form-label" for="login-email">{{translate 'Newsletter Sign Up'}}</h5>
					<div class="newsletter-subscription-form-container {{#if showErrorMessage}}error{{/if}}" data-validation="control">
							name="email" id="email" 
							type="email" class="newsletter-suscription-form-input" 
							placeholder="{{translate ''}}">
						<button type="submit" class="newsletter-subscription-form-button-subscribe">
							{{translate 'Subscribe'}}
Name Type Description
formModel T

A model instance associated with the form. formModel is set as the value of the formModel property upon instantiation of the class. The model instance passed to the class constructor must extend from SCModel.


SuiteCommerce 2020.2


<private> application

<private> helpMessages

<protected> formModel :T


A model that extends from SCModel.

<private> selectors :string


<protected> changeControlButtonsToProcessingMode( form )


Hides the reset buttons on the form and then updates the submit button to indicate the form data has been submitted, but a response has not yet been received. This method is called as part of the form submission process in the saveForm() method.

Name Type Description
form JQuery

A JQuery object that references the form.

<protected> displayValidationError( fieldname, error )


Displays a validation error message in the placeholder element beneath the form field that generated the error. It is called in onFormFieldChange() if a field contains an error. Errors may come either from the type checking performed by getFormFieldValue() or from the validation performed by the model.

The placeholder must exist in the template to display the error message. The following placeholders are used in the default template. If you change the template, make sure you include the placeholders at a suitable place in the template.

Name Type Description
fieldname String

The name of the form field, as specified by the HTML name attribute. Uses the JQuery attr() method to find the form field.

error String

The text of the error message.

<protected> displayValidationErrors( validationerrors )


Displays multiple validation error messages beneath the form fields that generated the errors. It is called in the saveForm() method when an error is detected. Errors may come either from the type checking performed by getFormValues() or from the validation performed by the model.

The placeholders must exist in the template to display the error message. The following placeholders are used in the default template. If you change the template, make sure you include the placeholders at a suitable place in the template.

Name Type Description
validationerrors ValidationErrors

An object with a property and a string which contains the error message.

<protected> focusOnFirstValidationError( form )


Finds the first input field that has an error and scrolls the page to the field, which then receives focus. This method is called in saveForm() if validation errors exist.

Name Type Description
form JQuery

A JQuery object that references the form.

<abstract, protected> getFormFieldValue( input ) → {FormFieldValue|FormFieldError}


Use this method to perform type checking on form field data. This method is called in onFormFieldChange() whenever the value in an input field changes.

Override this method to perform type checking of the data required by the model. The input type should match the type expected by the formModel property. If the input is of the expected type, return an object containing the field name and its value. Otherwise, return an object containing the field name and an error message.

			getFormFieldValue(input) {
				var fieldinput = input.val();
				var fieldname = input.attr('name');
				if (fieldname === 'firstname' && typeof fieldinput === 'string') {
					properfieldname = 'first name';
					return {name: fieldname, value: fieldinput};
				if (fieldname === 'email' && typeof fieldinput === 'string') {
					properfieldname = 'email';
					return {name: fieldname, value: fieldinput};
				return {name: fieldname || '', error: Utils.translate("Enter a valid " + properfieldname + ".")}
Name Type Description
input JQuery

A JQuery object that refers to the input field.


An object with one field name and its value; or an object containing an error.

<abstract, protected> getFormValues( form ) → {FormFieldsValues|FormFieldsErrors}


Use this method to check that each form field in the form has a value and verify that it is of the right type. This method is similar to getFormFieldValue() except that it is used to check multiple fields.

This method is called in the saveForm() method.

Name Type Description
form JQuery

A JQuery object that references the form.

<protected> handleErrorMessage( field )


Handles model validation errors for a given field, either displaying error messages on the page or removing the error messages.

Called by the onFormFieldChange() method.

Name Type Description
field String

The field name that was changed. The onFormFieldChange() method passes in this argument to handleErrorMessage().

<protected> onFormFieldChange( event )


onFormFieldChange() is used to check the form field input type when the value of a form field is changed. If the input is of the type expected by the model, it updates the model with the field input value. Otherwise, it calls displayValidationError() to show an error message.

Note that This method is called for every change in an input field (usually after a blur event on the field).

Name Type Description
event Event

A user triggered event.

<protected> removeErrorMessage( fieldname )


Hides the error message associated with the specified field.

Called by handleErrorMessage() if no errors are returned from the model validation.

Name Type Description
fieldname String

The field name, as specified by the name attribute of a form <input> element. For example, <input type="text" name="nationality">.

<protected> restoreControlButtons( form )


Shows the reset button and then calls the restoreSubmitButton() method to re-enable the submit button with its default text.

Called by the saveForm() method after the form data has been saved successfully to the model.

Name Type Description
form JQuery

A JQuery object that references the form.

<protected> restoreSubmitButton( form )


Re-enables the submit button with its default text.

Called by the restoreControlButtons() method.

Name Type Description
form JQuery

A JQuery object that references the form.

<protected> saveForm( event )


Saves the form data and updates the model. Before the model is updated, the form data is validated with getFormValues() and on the model itself. The model is updated only if validation is successful; otherwise, one or more error messages are displayed.

Name Type Description
event Event

A user tiggered event.

<protected> setSubmitButtonToProcessing( form )


Updates the appearance and label of all submit buttons on the form (buttons are disabled and the button text is set to "Processing..."). Called by the changeControlButtonsToProcessingMode() method after form data is submitted.

Override this method if you want to modify the behaviour of submit buttons on a form after the form is submitted.

function setSubmitButtonToProcessing(form) {
					function(index) {
						// Do something else related to the submit buttons...
Name Type Description
form JQuery

A JQuery object that references the form.